of meetings and outstanding cabin Dear
L reflectors:
After an absence (in) justified back the sheet. to tell a little of everything.
this week's edition meets the gentle writer Yolanda Hackshaw, who visited the program recently and left us Falado; a story to enjoy and, why not share.
there are plenty of good news. Thanks to Yolanda management, Norma Editorial announces new titles in the program, each week brings a national book author to give away to listeners. Thousand, eleven thousand, a million thanks. This contribution allows us to reach more listeners and literary culture spread my little bit of land. Similarly, Noel and Pastry Felipe Motta Wine Store are sponsors of sheet. With
CONTRIBUT ions entertained readers, listeners and guests who visit us.
The wait comes to an end. Come 2nd Meeting of Writers, Critics and Readers, organized by the Writers' Association of Panama, American University and sponsored by the blade. The meeting is open to the public in general, Panama is about the contemporary short story and here you have to program activities. I hope you can join us. Youth and adults can participate actively. If you are a budding writer, this meeting is the place to meet and talk with local authors, to make contacts and build relationships.
Tonight, in the radio version of the sheet. Our guest is Lupita Quirós Athanasiadis, a new literary voices of Panama. His narrative, earth and multicultural, takes us out to explore new experiences of space and time, characters from complex simplicity and end all common in everyday situations. With it we will talk about his new book "Do not tell anyone" and the selection of one of his stories in the contest Challenge of 98 hours, the Universidad Latina.
Welcome to the sheet.
fear close my eyes forever no record of this life, now melt within the walls of this prison is absolutely silent. Tones and silences, and in the end, the triumph of the silent words you never receive my ears.
Daily of this troubled century comes something new: the transplantation of organs, computers, cable TV, cell phone and, of course, new techniques to create a universal language. Although this idea was long haunt the fate of the men had not been carried out. Grammarians, as usual, drank and ate the words, but not belched.
craze in the creation of a single universal language, and to avoid all entanglements produced linguistic globalization, scholars ban held conferences, seminars, roundtables, lectures, conferences ... We had to find the antidote to the problem, simply because it was costing millions. Those old jokes which confused the meanings and everybody laughed, passed. Now the language had become a mess: When expecting a shipment of 1000 computers as a commodity, you received 1000 cows or ten Soviet cute, and so forth.
transshipment costs and return of goods threatened all economies with a constancy almost prophetic.
However, despite all this, not reached an agreement on what was the best way to communicate. Resorted to old formulas: Esperanto, Panamao ... Nothing worked and the more tangled issue, and humanity was becoming virtually silent while paralyzed, when a relative of Frederick Handel came up with the fabulous idea of \u200b\u200busing music as a universal language.
for word combinations were based on musical notes and there were no limits to it. This was a great solution. There was not much thinking, had almost returned to the ideogram but phonetic. If pronounced fa la do gravely meant: I'm tired, I go to bed early, by God.
But if the tone was sharp meant something else: I slept with your best friend tonight.
see, the economy had reached up to the words and a simple combination was able to tell you many things. Of course, for people to get used to the tones, it was some time.
addition, the new language favored employment
of new technology will
. No one could write a purchase order, because the tone is required, unless the letter topped with infinite tonal dimensions.
The phones of all kinds, from old phones tr
Oncala, and what about the phones, especially took a boom that went so far : its use has become indispensable.
This caused the tones, while polishing the new communication system, a number of conflict situations, especially in personal relationships.
At that time, I lived in suburban New York daily mind fiercely violent and terrible: a great apple indigestible. There I met a in dividual
grabbed me for the rest of my life, what little sanity I had left my neighborhood.
One day he came out in pairs: Pepe
and a colleague, Tello and me.
pleasant music, almost giving the impression that someone was sending a double message: the pace and the combination of letters, as I said, now had a meaning beyond musical boundaries.
Pepe's friend Taylor, I started to dance.
- Res (high pitch: How well you dance, the heart of another), I d
IJO ear softly.
flattered I smiled and returned the compliment with a landmark that changed my life forever:
- Redomi (high pitch: You make it divinely.) "Farela
falafa? Solsoldofado (low tone: "You know there is a relationship between good dancers and great lovers? Everyone who dances well fucking good.)
Taylor then approached us and heard s recent
vintage tone of the conversation, but either do not hear well the tone and thought he had said: Let this silly fool! Or, as he felt the conversation he held with Pepe was very intimate. The truth is that what has been caused large veins running down his forehead n be blown up to almost create you a new look terrible and fateful.
Pepe shoved him hard and started shouting insults:
- Fado (fag of shit)
I cried
- Sisyphus (child (a) a very great whore)
Pepe was stunned, frightened and ran from the bar, dragging her friend, before he be unrecognizable to end their lives. For a second, remained in suspense until he reacted against me:
- Sisyphus, mifasol (daughter of a very great bitch, I want to deceive
this ungrateful and unhappy man)
I tried to calm him, telling him wrong, I just adored him and all my strength. I kissed him. I knelt. I begged him to forget it. Until finally agreed to return to peace. We left, and life apparently continued.
Since that time, Taylor was watching me, every act of my life passed through the sieve of his jealousy infamous to the point of offending me, my privacy when female, assaulted and subjected to the most incredible suspicion practices could generate ever hatch death.
That night I was out very late from work. I felt an intense fear q ue zigzag ran through my body, leaving me dizzy, to the point that I stumbled and hit me
EE in the upper thigh. The terror, even made me pee a little in the pants. To think that Taylor, with its large veins swollen like a balloon on his forehead, escrutaría me, gave me many unpleasant sensations. Upon arriving home, I took off the shoe of towering, sharp heels, opened the door carefully, trying not to wake him. But Tello me waiting behind the door with their inflated Venot so blown that seemed would burst. He started shouting and demanding that I remove his pants to smell. I thought at the drop of urine that had escaped me in panic d
late and reedy voice and a fearful and inappropriate pitched, only managed to mumble:
- Falado
We get caught up in a terrible struggle. For a moment I thought that would end strong punches me. A Tello is blowing more and more the veins. I suddenly came to mind heel sharpening my shoe: striking a blow on that side and fell struck Tello.
sentenced me to the conviction of silence until he turned 65 years old, that is, that I was denied the right to communicate with another human being.
Today, I get to that age, let me free, why? If my youth and was lost in the gorge of silence, from the intricacies and absurdities of my memory these sheets of paper that have accompanied me in my exile communication.
Given the anxiety of facing a world that I can not understand or comprehend, again I feel the same panic that the presence of Tello; because the only people who have contacted me over these 40 years, and this len
gua archaic build it so hard for me and is with you, special people, that like I will die among sad memories of this extinct language.
Courtesy of the Association of Writers in Panama
Panama, October 8, 2007 - In a press conference, the Association of Writers in Panama and Universidad Latina announced the conclusion of "2nd National Meeting of Writers, critics and readers" to be held on 24 and 25 October 2007 in the Auditorium of the Universidad Latina in the main campus in Panama City. The theme this year is "Panamanian contemporary short stories (1970-2007): diversity, quality, and screenings, and will feature presentations, storytelling, talks and for the first v ez this year, a short film contest, and Photostory comic called "The Challenge of the 98 hours" in which American University students Panamanian authors adapt tales to contemporary visual medium of your choice. The objective of the 2nd Meeting of Writers, critics and readers is to present a panoramic assessment of recent Panamanian production of short stories, bringing together writers, critics and readers in the forum or n creative, critical, interactive, enlightening the public about the simultaneity and diversity of generations of writers, encourage interest in learning, interpreting and adapting stories by authors various national audiovisual techniques.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 6:00 to 6:30 pm - Opening 'Words Rector of the University of America, Dr. Modaldo Tuñón. "Remarks by the President of the Association of Writers in Panama, Prof. Enrique Jaramillo Levi. 6:30 to 7:30 pm - Keynote "Renewal of Panamanian story: 1970-1980", Erastus Espino Barahona (literary critic). 7:30 to 9:00 pm - The storytellers read their stories (Read inter-generational) Lupita Quirós Athanasiadis, Benjamin Ramon, Annabel Migueleña, Enrique Jaramillo Levi, Taylor Isabel Herrera, Carlos Oriel Wynter Melo, Alondra Badano, Melanie Taylor and Jose Luis Rodriguez Pitti. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. - Conference on "Contributions of the production of short stories of women in Panama (1962-2007)", Enrique Jaramillo Levi (writer and literary scholar). 4:00 to 6:00 pm - Roundtable "Storytellers Panamanians who stand between 1990 and 2007", Fulvia Morales Castillo, José Luis Rodríguez Pittí, Rodolfo de Gracia, Ariel Barria Alvarado. 6:30 -8:00 pm - Contest Results and video projection works winners. 9:00 pm - Closing "words of Prof. Carlos Staff, Secretary General of the Universidad Latina. " Words of José Luis Rodríguez Pittí, on behalf of the Association of Writers in Panama. | |