Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Stop Getting Boners

Hysteria: Book Fair 2007

E stima L reflectors:

If all goes well and do not jump the obstacles, which the tiger in jungle leaf your program. be transmitted from the Book Fair. During the broadcast, I hope not

a) Electrocution

b) Enrage political figures

c) Lose your cell phone.

This is experimental, you know. In the absence of a mobile unit, we appeal to the generosity of other radio stations, all managed by the Book Chamber , but none wanted to lend a "little bit" signal to the program. Thank God, support the arts and culture of our country ...

The Book Chamber, very gently, I contacted Skycom and them faster than running away from tear gas university, donated air time necessary to make the program (hold) from my cell phone.

course Radio 10 moved heaven and earth to help. I like Radio 10 and its people. I love it when I say: "we're gonna 'see what happens, Lili, but give ." That " give " has opened many doors.

Cross your fingers. This is sheet.


Tunes 88.1 FM, 7:00 PM




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