Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Population Genetics Lab # 8 Answers

Villalaz: Fuga

E stima L reflectors:

If you visit us for the first time, know that this is an experiment in social-interactive didactic and poetic. Weekly, and love of art, sheet. author presents a Panamanian and part of his work with the sole desire to make Him known. Like the Republic, our letters are young, recent. Ride have not left enough for the world to identify the particular flavor of our essence. That is our goal. As the magazine is "married" to the radio program (Today Tuesday, 7 pm on Radio 10, 88.1 FM) , we got through the Web site of Radio 10 ( www.radio10panama.com ) the ball in the world. The sky is the limit.

Talking is talking about reading literature. Literature, as such, is inert to the moment when the man sets his eyes on the characters and cheer them thought (decoding), emotion (internalizing) and attachment (mystification), the only time when a piece of paper inscribed transmutes object to pure action. According to the great book, the Bible, God's Word (action), the Alpha and Omega (first and last letter). The old image of God the Word / word is no accident. Just as God requires of man (the word), the god is the creation of man and live in each other, as cause and effect. Therefore, reading is a divine act .

Our guest today is, besides being a poet, a tireless advocate for reading. Genaro Villalaz is Inistituto Deputy Director of National Culture (INAC) and has taken to heart the promotion and creation of literary reading programs throughout the country. Genaro converse with a bit of everything: in his poetry, what does the INAC by letters, his views on the problems of reading and hot topic in the world of local letters ... (surprise).

Without more, we hope to 7 of tonight, in his literary magazine sheet.

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Poet. Born in Panama City in 1967. Bachelor of Business Administration, Postgraduate Diploma in Management and Masters in Business Administration with specialization in Human Resources. He was part of the Young Writers' Collective "José Marti.

has published his poems in the journal Cultural Maga, Viceversa, Issues of Our America, Supplement "College", The Journal American and the Panama Stock Anthologies and Tributes "Worry is a Fiesta "(INAC, 1996) and" When I talked with them "(UTP, Leadimiro Gonzalez, 2004) of brief interviews with 37 writers in the country.

has won honorable mentions in Gustavo Batista Cedeño Awards (1992 and 2000 ), Demetrio Herrera Sevillano (1993), Frankfurt Cup, organized by the Embassy of Germany (1995), the Second Municipal Prize of Poetry Contest "Leon A. Soto" (1995), the First Prize for poetry Demetrio Herrera Sevillano at the University of Panama (1997), Third Prize IPELA (2001, Institute for Labour Studies), First Prize in the Youth Poetry Contest Gustavo Batista Cedeño (2001) and first honorable mention in the poetry XXV Municipal Competition "Leon A. Soto "(2005).

was Jury Poetry Contests "Gustavo Batista Cedeño" (INAC, 2004), Poetry Contest Savings Bank (Caja de Ahorros, 2001), Tournament Summer Literary short story (INAC, 2005) Ninth Expository Reading Competition for the Blind (Association Blind Students and Alumni University of Panama, 2005).

has published the poetry book "In the Hole of Time and Other Times" Editorial The Golden Bough, 2003. Is preparing to publish books of poetry "The only possible reason" and "In Times of Hallucination" and a book of interviews with leading writers of national life. He has represented our country in the International Poetry Festival of El Salvador.

has participated in several events: Course Cultural Policy and Management (INAC, Embassy of Spain, 2005), Seminar on Cultural Policy Workshop Development (INAC, UNESCO, 2005), Workshop for the Creation and Definition of the National Council and the Law on Books and Reading (INAC, CERLALC, National Library, 2005), Joint Meeting of Education officials and American Culture (San Salvador, El Salvador, 2004) and II Ibero-American Public Policy Makers Reading (CERLALC, OEI, AECI, Spain).

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One day nothing seems the same,
the rain hits the rails
feigns dismay with misunderstandings,
as handfuls of dirt
silenced in doubt. Penetrates

evoking certain vision of the fallen altars, orphan
trapped at the site will detached,
in the patch of sunlight splashed
in the illusion of torn mud



One of the steps closest to the heart of our guest is the National Reading Plan. Find out what the plan and how you can contribute to this great initiative.

Click on the link to access the Plan


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The Literary Chest

(everything qusiste not read in high school)




undisputed master of the short story, creator of the genre

police (detective) and innovator of Gothic poetry.



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With good point

(What language entangles you already have solution)


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