Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Deliver Birthday Cake From Calgary To Calgary

The tender side of the shoe: poets "bloggers" Life and testing

E stima L reflectors:

What is a blog? The term comes English blog "weblog," which means registration network. The blog is a website, usually free, used by the individual as a personal blog. Blogs are frequently updated by their authors and their format allows readers to comment on the content of the page. Actually, the blog can be used as best fit. So sheet. , as well as pages of the authors are presenting today, is devoted to what pleases me most: Panamanian literature.

blog What is interesting is that virtual communities forged around issues ranging from foreign policy, toothpaste and fetishes, to the ever changing moods of thousands of teenagers around the world. There is no censorship in this type of publication, is in the opinion of the "author" to determine the material to publish, design and layout of the text.

As a means of publication is direct, without limits or constraints, many new writers prefer as an alternative to traditional publishing of books and booklets ... Why? You may remove the long blog, and not always successful, the process of trying your luck with the "literary," or simply avoid the shame of making known his modest work, as some authors who feel supported are not yet out of the closet literature.

This is where today after starting the debate broadcasting: the digital medium will replace the book? NEVER (to preventing, sheet. fight to the end). Are there any literary merit in the work submitted online? What about quality? Tonight we discuss three authors "bloggers" reasons, views and opinions.

Welcome to the sheet.



Day after day

strength and mystery,
Movement of smoke, waves Designating
That is wrapped in a blanket,
Sense that gives you life. Interweaving

Shaping your essentially
Each hint of madness,
in the faces of hunger,
In the absence of freedom.

Fighting my conscience,
What stops me,
not let me face my destiny with fury,
Whom desire
Dealing with head held high, insane
Delivered to sanity,
of awakening one day.

I bet you

Pass, run, trampoline resbálate against timers,
Seconds pass, like my life,
in an eternal struggle between good and evil balanced
Seeking balance,
Judgement righteous who violates any unhealthy clemency
prevent the reality of the new era,

Have drums and drums, trumpets
something that can be called ska,
Look how easy it raises this post modernity,
Where other music dance , live
other ideals,
That challenge in an almost suicidal attempt, which pays tribute
But our effort,
no matter the money,
Regardless of how you proceed, just follow our rule
to maintain a balance individual
And forget not exist,
not persist,
In a suspicious world.



natural birth, was born on June 9, 1967. Between stripes and spots on the primary notebooks, showed interest, he still holds, so graphic. Works as a designer, and his head is full of figures, letters and the sounds they make when they crawl from one place to another. "Death exposed" is his first publication. Includes stories outlining death, but they do not intend understand or define. They are ordinary events in surrounding sometimes belong to the microworld. Today, it still scratching, writing, watching and trying to express.


is among the stones and night
where the foot rests.
where hundreds of bats scary, scary play

who they know are not there.
between branches and stones.

The black paint from the tops of the trees
all that is heaven and throat

down from the treetops
all that is Mt.

The stones and
not counted because they are many. Because they live

contrary to popular belief.
They walk like crabs, turtles
as 300 years, sleeping in holes
snakes and bats.

The flow of a fertile womb of lava,
gently, devoutly,
but the eyes do not understand his voice, hoping the rescue
in the globes of light that fall from the sky and kiss the plains
, mountains.

grandfather on his ranch knows.
Your gateway asleep on the floor, palm

his cross and his painted wooden bed herb growing forgetfulness
guarding it,
leading to his breast, closing

is only broken glass,
pan over rocks,
who know them, are the grandfather

entangled with whistles of moisture.

are the same stones that have always cared for the way
jealous, because they hold a treasure
his ranch.

And the frog, flower, bugs,
lightning and man's loneliness
are one. They are the stony path

your not forgotten,
that do not require the light outside
to see you.
Five, six, seven and eight

Lorenzo, owner of the neighborhood butcher, had this business for 30 years. Born in Uruguay, single, thin, strong hands and thick mustache. Augusta

Mendoza, a resident of sector 25 years ago, a chemistry professor, retired, childless and inveterate lover of ten cats living with her.

Twenty days have passed since the terrible find Lorenzo. Was found in the dining room of his apartment, located above the carnage, poisoned with broad-spectrum pesticide, according to the forensic report.
From her rocking chair, Augusta has quietly to their cats - ... five, six, seven and eight.

The gently rocking back and forth, while the retired peeps a little smile when looking over the board Gramaxone gallon.

Visit the author:

******* *

The author was born in Santiago Veraguas, Panama, 24 December 1971. Resides in Panama City since 1990. Writer, translator and lawyer and member of the Directors of the Association of Writers Panama.
Her poems have been published in anthologies "Arts in Motion hug" (Montevideo, Uruguay 2006), magazines such as "Divers", Catalunya, Spain, 2005 and "Maga" Panama, 2006 and as in various magazines and anthologies in English as "In our own words, in Itself definig Generation Vol 6 & 7" and "True Poetry Magazine" Oct. 2004 ". He has published a book of poems, SWING (2003).
addition to Sofia Santim initiative, organized concerts with young poets and others in ULACIT with Ecuadorian poet Marieta Cuesta. This year the concerts organized by the Literary Café Writers Association of Panama.

Visit the author



The social Pangea creaks, assigns, dispelling,

sinking into the waters of a massive and particularly autism.

II. The delicate plates

extrañanamente is causing tremors of suspicion settled
centrifugal telluric.

The last pieces of the "Terra Firma" Garrett's Ocean

waters lie scattered among autistic
separated by intolerant terrestrial accommodations.

IV. Island

realities of individual existence
which overlook pale memories of the mythical continent,
and even the Social Pangea.

Downtown, in the Axis press a simmer Revolution,
the dreaded catastrophe is only the rearrangement
of a New Centripetal.


of popular consciousness
hang in a vacuum,

tainted blood identity

sharp pieces of the generation gap
hand cut
of society.

Manuel E. Gallery Amador, University of Panama (near the Faculty of Law).
Presentation book "rat" by Enrique Jaramillo Levi.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where Can I Find Free Brent Corrigan Movies

: Carlos Fong and Radio Bemba

E stima L reflectors:

Tomorrow is the international day of poetry. UNESCO, an organization responsible for instituting the celebration, this year devoted to poetry violence. How can poetry, one of the highest forms of aesthetic expression, to combat violence? Really, can a poem (if not a song) to change the world? Who cares?

to me. The writers here are presented every week. To my mother, but martial arts expert slipper, is relatively peaceful and loves the great lyrics. To you who read the paper. and not kick me when I enter on the street. Non-violence is a rational act, rather than in good faith. This is the supremacy of intellect over emotion. To discuss this, we are joined Carlos Fong. Panamanian winning essayist and tireless promoter of reading, tonight we will talk about their life experiences and views, accompanied by delicious wine and poetry used to taste.

Welcome to the sheet.


Narrator and essayist

Panama. Born in Panama City in 1967. Vielka Victoria is married and has two sons, Isaac and Ezekiel, who help him endure in life. Founding member of the Youth Movement "Advanced Cultural based in La Chorrera and the collective of writers" Threshold. " He is a member of the Society of Writers of Panama (ASEP). In 1993 he won first place in the Short Story Competition organized by the English International Cooperation Agency and the Municipality of La Chorrera, and in 1995 won the Third Place in Essay Contest Award "Frankfort" by the German Embassy in Panama in 1997 and Honorable Mention in the National Short Story Prize "José Maria Sanchez, "Technological University of Panama. In 2001 he again won an Honorable Mention in the same story contest and the Prize Competition Single Story Dario Herrera of the University of Panama. 2002. In 2005 won the Prix Free Trial of Fire. First Prize Short Story "Nacho Valdés" in the XXIV National Art Competition and female workers. 2004, National Short Story Prize "José María Sánchez" Technological University of Panama. She won three times test the Single Award, short story and poetry as part of the Celebration of the Week Rodrigo Miró Panamanian Literature Faculty of Humanities, University of Panama. Short Short Story Award Maga in 2006. He has given stories and poetry recitals and lectures, workshops and educational lectures. He has published several articles in the newspaper La Prensa and literature texts in magazines Threshold, Lottery and Maga, as well as in the book try to utopia (INAC, 1992), smoke and ash ('s literary anthology U.S. invasion of Panama, 1993) and Anthology of humor Panamanian Ángel Revilla (USMA, 1995). Appears in the anthology to the morning sun: 50 Storytellers Panamanians born from 1949 to Enrique Jaramillo Levi (Signs Cultural Foundation, 1998) Dream Sharing (Compilation Panamanian historical storytellers: 1892-2004) by Enrique Jaramillo Levi and When I talked with them Leadimiro González. Member of the teaching staff of the Project The grandfather of my grandmother. Currently working as an assistant and Promoter Reading in the Department of Arts, National Institute of Culture. Has two books of short stories, From the Other Side (2003) and Fragments of a Shipwreck (2005). And a book of literary studies: To tell the identity. Panamanian literature studies and a proposal for cultural development (2006).



Throughout his adolescence Face Bebi worked shining shoes of hundreds of chorreranos . Today is a barber and has his own business near the park on 3 November. Occasionally, if anyone remembers, tells the joke that made him Ballenato with a mixture of satisfaction and nostalgia. By then, he had his shoeshine chair at the entrance of the former More for Less, in front of La Estrella, where they say that once took refuge Victoriano Lorenzo conservatives.

Ballenato, the village idiot who ever imagined driving a car, arrived that evening and parked his car in front of the commissary imaginary. Whale was quite a character. There were days that led to huge dams and guard traffic to Ballenato not hit, I had to go along and help push his car, which had broken down in the street to park on the side of the road.

That morning, as usual, came Ballenato with all his gestures of conductor: turning the wheel, getting cautious changes, casting reverse until he managed to park his car next to the chair Bebi Face, was when he got the joke. Returning

Ballenato and was preparing to open the car door, Bebi Face told him what car he would drive if it had been stolen in their absence. Ballenato's wrath was so great that almost destroyed the shoeshine chairs because they stopped them from taking the car. The next day, Ballenato driving and again returned to park. Bebi face asked him if he had recovered the car. Whale said no, but now it was not going to leave the key.

******************************************** *****

SPIRIT Sacrilege

"Now I'm flying across the boundaries of the enigma
a gust of wind I
unavoidable light my fire I'm a blast
severing the face of the night
I breath in the breath breathe ethereal
him and I am his likeness. " Rivera Pérez
Iguaniginape Kungiler
sacrilegious spirit Nuchu of

For some time I've watched it. He was followed closely to where she moved. I peered silently as he sat at the table. I was accompanied, as always, to eat, then moved and I followed the steps. He paused for a while under the hammock. I waited patiently for a long time and I saw the same: as a living being. I've seen many times playing naked. Run naked through the yard and climb trees, climb to the table, swinging in the hammock, climb the walls of the house, pull out the window. One day I surprised him at a meeting with others of their peers. One is prepared to assist in fishing, another to go hunting; another to remove a fish bone and another on his way to care for sleep, another to drive away the fear and another to guard the village from a disaster, another to protect children from the dangers, and another to build a house, another available for a party and dance the dance, one for the song, another to go and talk to the lady of the time, and another held the secret more ... now, I've entered it, I know the secret, but I'm not man ... now I have his likeness.

could say it all started when my mother invited him to breakfast one day to accompany me. I really felt like a toy, but then I felt his presence. I was barely a child and felt her magical presence. It was the first time I saw him alive, radiant and strong. It seemed a little gentleman. A little man with power over things, above all to heal. Every time I called my mother got sick and immediately appeared with his face painted with achiote and wrapped in a cloud of smoke. I could see him take hold when inhaling the smoke from the seeds of cacao. Then the evil spirits were repressed and fever or threat of pain disappeared. Since then I started to chase, so look out below the hammock and continued to observe their movements until one day I discovered. I think I always knew he was. He always intelligent, always strong, always arrogant and pompous, self-possessed, smarmy and arrogant. One day I was punished because I said I had been making love. My father told me it was a sacrilege. The punishment was not going for a week the sea. My father knew how much I liked being at sea. See fishermen returning from their task, swim and dive in the salt waters of the magnificent Tues Explore the coral where he sometimes entertains zanganea and the shoals of colorful fish. I've seen it many times to hide on the rump of the whales taken from the tails of dolphins. Then I began to mourn locked in the house and fell asleep. That same day I dreamed
with him. In the dream appeared nahual, jaguar and art ego. When I woke up I told the dream to the elders and they said they had dreamed of spirits and my father once lifted the punishment. A few days later something unexpected happened: back to have another dream about him. This time I said his name: Ologanagunkinele. I tried, unsuccessfully, to mumble a few words, but could not. It seemed an amazing thing he told me his name. He said that the awakening was running with the elderly to have my dream and said his name. It was the first thing I did upon waking. Elders were astonished at this again and told me that this spirit was Ologanagunkiler, a great ancestor nele that brought the clay brazier used Nerger, cocoa beans, the snuff of the ceremonies and the gammdurgan flute. That spirit was the secret of the light of the eight children who moved up their golden ship from all angles of Mother Earth, fighting and struggling with fierce monsters. The eight brothers were prepared for war, were armed with bows and arrows and the elements of combat. The ship sailed eight land back, slowly and solemnly, shaking all angles, the ship rose and roared and did not stop, as it stood was spreading across the land light. But legions of evil spirits prevented the entry of the sun and the eight siblings were prepared to cope with evil. The eight brothers beat, burned and melted their enemies. Meanwhile, the ship stood, shook like a whirlwind life while rejoiced and blossomed with the success of the eight siblings.

then returned home and found him under the hammock, seemed asleep. I invited him to dinner. After lunch I took a shower with basil and painted from annatto. Weeks later I began to feel severe headache and he continued to appear in my dreams, but consoled me telling me not to be afraid. One day my mother put on the table and did the inevitable: I took it and ran to the sea and threw it away. So I started to notice my transformation. My mother looked so frightened and began to beg forgiveness, because it was not my intention to provoke. I told my mother not want it, I do not need it ... I am now.

In the village there is a great joy: a child will be born. Teenagers have been cut platanillos sheets. The building has been covered with white sheets. La Jagua is ready to paint the body of the pregnant woman. But something is wrong and will invoke the spirit Innatuledi necessary, because the creature is in the wrong position. Some bad spirits were responsible for placing well. That's when I make my speech. I entered the girl's uterus and there a battle without rest, called upon the Bab Dummat and he could answer. I inhaled the smoke of cocoa beans and strengthened me with the singing of Mu-Igala. Finally, at dawn, was born a beautiful girl. And again I put my mother under the hammock and stroking her face drenched in achiote heard when I said tenderly, was a great job, my son.

As I said before, when he was human: there is a spirit of Nuchu sacrilegious. I saw a day of love and punished me for that. Now I from this place, from time to time I go to jump across the table, jump through the trees, running naked on the beach and play with my brothers to the round. And every time we need to let every one to his duty. Although I prefer, I say with sincerity, bathe with basil and make love with the bright moon and in front of this wonderful sea. Because now I'm flying across the boundaries of the puzzle, I'm a gust of wind, unavoidable fire of my light, I am a burst of aurora, cutting the face of the night, I'm a breath in the breath ethereal breath, I'm him and I am your ... I like the spirit of Nuchu sacrilegious.

the book: Fragments of a shipwreck, winner of the National José María Sánchez 2004 story.


prodigy Carlos Fong


How can poetry help train the students in our time? Do you have something to tell the poets in the context of globalization and concentration of capital? Can a poem to help in education to have a more general world? Or simply: Does it help poetry? Under the World Poetry day, celebrated on March 21, would like to make some brief reflections on the theme of education and how poetry can help the quality of teaching.
I think I can help with an idea that William Ospina has left several of his essays on poetry: "There is a kind of excellent poetry that shows the most prodigious as natural facts, but the best poetry is that which shows us things more natural and made prodigious "This thought is very consistent with the view of the poet Ama Ata Aidoo of Ghana, for whom quality of a poem and its meaning provide information not only about the beauty of other internal and external worlds that the reader is not conscious, but poetry can help them become better human beings. How can this happen? Originally
think of poetry as an act of art that serves to express, through written language, things very nicely. But a poem is more than that. Unlike other arts, poetry explores the essence of culture. Poetic language can make a synthesis of reality deeper into any of the elements that comprise the reality and they are usually very complex. A poem of excellent quality can, in simple language, help young people to have some interest or personal concern for universal or national issues, to make them more sensitive to problems that may affect them directly or indirectly: war, environment, urban violence, etc.
The intensity of a poem may draw the attention of participation and cooperation on social issues that affect people. The sense of belonging, participation and cooperation are values \u200b\u200bthat have been degraded and that poetry can help build. This does not mean that poetry might serve to bring emotions and sense of beauty: poetry is all that and more. Poetry has the power to understand the world beyond everyday reality and to perceive the relationship of the creative word with reality. This part can get any technocrat commercial spirit and say, and this for what it does. Let's see.
If young people have a general idea of \u200b\u200bexistence and a more complex view of culture is very likely to learn to think and participate in the world's problems. Consider the meaning of life, for example. The theme of loneliness or isolation, is in many poems. When a boy is conscious of his solitude and discovers that he can participate in a world inhabited by others, it is easier for their emotions throb looking for chances of survival, they tend to destruction.
There are many things that gives us the poetry. One of these has to do with his ability and sound fun. There are hundreds of poems in which reality is recreated to make it more enthusiastic (Whitman and Rimbaud, for example). But go to the patio, what is ours: there is a poem where Consuelo Tomás tells a story of a ghost in a bowl of soup. And what about the rhythmic sound of the work of Rogelio Sinan or philosophical depth of Ros-Zaneta. And that Hector Collado verse that says all the hate in the world fits in a bullet. Each word is a work of art, said Borges. A teacher could use this verse Collado to play with words and content: a bullet is rather small and the world is big. Small words and big words that seek to tell us something about reality. I'm not sure if the poets were looking for this effect when they wrote their poems, but it is something that we can claim to play with poetry, its sound and its possibilities.
Graciela Montes says in that beautiful book entitled La Frontera indomitable, "On the construction and defense of the poetic space that words sometimes we come packaged (remember the speeches of public officials, for example), but there are also words soft, comfortable, safe, ritual words, inappropriate words and words and amazing light. This universe of words can help young people manage not only a glossary to help them in language proficiency, it is very important in these times, but to learn to do violence to reality by naming it. All things are there waiting to be appointed for the first time, just need to make room for the word.

Visit the blog of author


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"TUESDAY TODAY", March 20, 6:00 pm: Tribute to Roberto Luzcando. Manuel E. Gallery Amador, University of Panama.


Wednesday, March 21, all day: All the World Poetry Day, recitals and activities endistintos parts of the city of Panama. At 6:00 PM, actode closing at the National Library organized by INAC.

* Wednesday, March 21, 7:00 PM. The great celebration is ... from the center of Panama's most bohemian neighborhood. Discussion and recital "The Art of Poetry" , by Enrique Jaramillo Levi, Edilberto González Trejos, Gorka Lasa, Javier Romero Hernández and open participation Disable ALL writers and the general public. Teatro La Quadra.

* Tuesday, March 27, 7:00 PM: Presentation at the Gallery Manuel E. Amador's 14th storybook Enrique Jaramillo Levi, "fishy."

* Monday, April 2, 7:00 PM: The Literary Café traditional first Monday in Exedra, "Three times, four poets and a singer" by the poetasJosé Cordova, Edgar Pinzon Javier Romero and David Robinson, and elcantor Carlos Matias.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Top Anime Lollicon Mivies

03/21/1907: poetry in the streets and José Luis Rodríguez Pittí

E stima L reflectors:

Next week will be one of the most active for local literature, to be held for the seventh year World Poetry Day . The 2007 designated "Poetry against violence", brings a host of educational and cultural activities throughout the country. INAC

making planned streets, plazas, and waiting rooms of public institutions for reading and sharing poetry with anyone who will listen. Will we be heard? Can a man wrapped in the newspaper everyday dilemma, to accommodate that demand aesthetic appreciation poem while checking the row of Pharmacy that will not give expectorant without sugar? Similarly, INAC will be in the Albrook bus terminal in a great marathon poetic which I joined as a volunteer pilot. Naive, but willing.

sheet. , true to the credo "less Bemba and more work," will be at the College Oxford at 10:30 in the morning to read, along with Indira and Isolde Moreno León, poetry to children at school level secondary. From there move on to the Gran Terminal de Albrook to support the Marathon Poetics and close the evening with a flourish in the show and chat show " The art of poetry " (Teatro la Quadra, 7:00 pm) hosted by Writers Association of Panama.

I invite you to join this great effort. Make homeland is a difficult task. Wanted labor.

This week is for us José Luis Rodríguez Pittí, writer, editor, graphic designer, engineer, member of the Writers' Association of Panama photographer and a graduate in Life, specializing in coffee gathering. We know however, as a friend and a man who practices what he preaches. José Luis if not in jail, they are looking for and that's good, because it demonstrates daily its true interest in the arts. As a writer is formidable and worthy representative of the letters in Panama. In his works a human universal, contemporary, not without the warm aroma of our land. But I will not hurt them surprise. Join us to enjoy a glass of wine and good company.

Welcome to the sheet.

José Luis + José Luis + José Luis


author José Luis Rodríguez Pittí
(Panama, 1971). Writer known for his short stories, most of which have appeared in magazines and newspapers, and some of them chosen for the anthology "Until the morning sun" (Panama, 1998), "Panama has" (Panama, 2003) "The minifiction in Panama" (Bogotá, 2003), "Shared Dream" (Panama, 2005) and "I love you fairy tale" (Panama, 2007).

In his book "Dreams", the University of Panama granted the prize "Dario Herrera's Tale" in 1994. Also won honorable mentions in the National Prize "Signs" Youth Literature 1993 (Panama), National Short Story Competition "José María Sánchez" 1998 (Panama), Competition "Amadis of Gaul" 1999 (Soria, Spain ) and Competition "Maga" Short Story 2001 (Panama). In 1999, the Technological University of Panama published his collection of short stories Chronicle invisibles. "

Member of the Writers' Association of Panama and Head of literary newsletter published weekly by the Association. As a cultural promoter, active in the organization of roundtables, conferences, presentations of books and authors, meetings, conferences. Drink coffee.

As a photographer visited the peninsula of Azuero (back in the nineties) collecting stories and pictures, with photo essays he wrote three: "I weighed Good Friday", "Azuero" and "Noche de Carnaval." In 1994 Panama won the Prize section III Canon's Day Earth "by images of Panama's Metropolitan Natural Park. He has participated in group exhibitions and some of his photos have appeared in journals and as book covers. He has also lectured at the Technological University of Panama and Universidad Santa Maria La Antigua.



Tiger skin (from the book "Chronicle of invisible")

on the floor of my room is the tanned hide of a large American cat. I do not know who, or why, made the great humility of taking the life of a noble cat. They tore the beautiful mottled coat, which served as shelter life against cold and moisture, and headquarters in the bush hunting.

The tanned for three months with mangrove and gall, and the wind dried the salt desert created by men. And here it is. A part of this magnificent tiger, which killed large deer herds and fast, ripping the leather with sharp claws and fangs. Today is here, at my feet, that one day terror was able to see at night, smell and hear the unheard distance, the one whose scent was fear and death scream. Here in my own room, lying on the ground jaguar skin a man killed in a dastardly and cowardly shotgun.

What a waste! What a lack of conscience! Such beauty of the soft mottled skin that sleek and agile animal, today only a wicked and unworthy carpet.

His eyes, nose and ears are gone, but here in his old coat still have holes. And even frightening. As frightening even large feet that keep the gaping holes that once entered his sharp claws. I do not know what

do. I can not sleep in this morning because I think that the soul of the tiger may still lurk in the night. And his skin is here. And the slightly touched and caressed with fascination. Now it's hard, but what should be soft and flexible when it ran freely covering the owner.

And while I run my hand over it, this is me turns brown. And it looks beautiful, as it is spotted like the skin of the cat that died in vain who knows how long ago.

's late. It's night and the air coming through the window full of odors. I hunger and a fierce need to go to run quietly, I feel the anguish and anxiety closure of the vast mountain yearning to be free.
I must leave now, my skin is brown and mottled and while the lamp is broken to fall, still look good. And the smells and sounds excite me call me. And my claws are sharp and my sharp teeth. Outside

have a deer has already stirred because I'm nervous for him.


Chronicle invisible (from the book "Chronicle of invisible" )

People pass in front of the cathedral.

All come for an hour, with heat. Fanning themselves with cardboard, Sacred Reading, whatever. Wait without hearing what the priest tells them behind the pulpit. Are removed in their seats with boredom obvious.

Salen, and greet each other warmly at the entrance. They talk crap.

People pass in front of the cathedral.

doors close completely, and everyone walks by. But I'm still there. Right in the middle of the entrance. And no one notices my presence invisible.

During this time anyone has noticed my existence there in the midst of all.

After all do not exist; I'm just a beggar.


Dream Nathan Bedford Forrest in the hot afternoon

decided to leave the clan
(taken from Magazine "Maga")

I looked into his eyes. Seemed not to mind my presence. I sat down with everyone and all share the moment of profound and strange tranquility. Strange peace. Strange stillness. At least for me, I knew beforehand what was to follow.

sometimes spoke and everyone listened carefully. When he did, dedicated to all intense eyes, attentive. Suddenly announced that one would betray him.

And here something strange happened: time stopped for everyone but him and me. He dropped the pan and jumped through the long space between us, standing beside me, bringing his face close to mine as he could without touching. With strength he snapped: "You hypocrite ... Memorize well what time and tell everybody: I'm black di ... How the Son of Man is only a black like that you killed yesterday with a vengeance! ".

was there I woke up soaked in sweat.



Wednesday, March 14, 6:30 PM
At the Latin University of Panama, the conference " Write
in Panama today, presented by the writers Carlos Fong,
Javier Romero Hernández, Endara and Ernesto Enrique Jaramillo Levi.

Saturday, March 17, 3:00 PM
The National Library Álvaro Menéndez
discussion with Franco on the life and work of writer Romulo Gallegos.

Monday, 19 March
Magic children's literature
With Pat Alvarado, Manuelita German, Lynx and Rene Eduardo Irigoyen
For children and adults. 7 pm Exedra Books. Free Admission ***

WORKSHOP - literary expression, dictated by Carlos FongJueves 8, 15, 22 and 29 March. Casa Cultural Huellas. 6:00 to 8:00 pm Registration 265-8703.

Wednesday, March 21, 7:00 PM


Discussion and recital "The Art of Poetry", by Enrique Jaramillo Levi, Edilberto González Trejos Gorka Lasa, Javier Romero Hernández and participation is open to writers and the general public. Teatro La Quadra. 7:00 pm

INAC Info: 501-4962 Department of Arts


March 21, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Recital
ongoing national poets

Totally free
JOIN *****

Tuesday, March 27, 7:00 PM
Presentation Gallery Manuel E. Amador's 14th book
story of Enrique Jaramillo Levi, "fishy." *****




PANAMA-SPAY nonprofit foundation dedicated to the sterilization of dogs and cats. Also looking for a home worship, fun and loving for kittens and dogs who have had the good fortune to be rescued.

More info 261-5542

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Hor Dourves Per Person

Back to School: The World Magic Piggy

E stima L reflectors:

The children return to school. A month earlier, thousands of Panamanians rooms are flooded with commercials for school shoes, thank God, and do not give away pocket protectors, because as today's children do not use. Nor can we.

I made the mistake of to run errands on Saturday morning and found my way (slowly) hordes of frantic parents with bags full of chécheres size garden. I remembered my childhood and a bittersweet episode: Best school bag I've ever had.

My father bought it at the Siers (Sears), when left in the Transístmica against Riba Smith. It was burgundy leather, beautiful. I think Samsonáit (Samsonite). So big that I could be there. I think I still might, if he had not damaged the third quarter.

Filled with books, pencils color, dictionaries of all languages \u200b\u200band the school figures, they took me to school, decked out with the familiar cologne-scented handkerchief in his left pocket Menen. My skinny little body often bent like dwarf palms planted by a municipality. To date I have scoliosis. But it was nice that suitcase. Now, nearly two years after his death, I understand the joy of my father to buy the suitcase more bites of the universe. He never had one so beautiful. Is that why parents try so hard each year? Are we giving children what they really need? What does a child?

In a
thing I can be sure: one of the greatest joys of my childhood was to have new notebooks, pens and light fluent, and the AAAAH! the school sabrosura ....¡ new books!

Today our guest is Pat Alvarado . A unique pan-American woman convinced that books are the best present that could be given to a child. His stories, very Panamanian and beautifully illustrated, is developed around the generosity and joy of life, environmental conservation and respect and love for animals.

Join us for this edition to learn the magical world of Pat Alvarado and Piggy Press .

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About the Author

Pat Alvarado was born in Abbeville, Louisiana, United States, but resides in the Republic of Panama with her husband Luis, his plane, and Civi street dog list, aka Sparky The Wonder Dog, and his deputy One also has two adult children, Matt and Andrea. Although Pat loves to travel and write, his favorite hobby is laughing ... especially of herself. To date he has published twenty-seven deeds of her own, twenty of them are bilingual youth stories.

is President of Piggy Press, Inc. a publishing company dedicated to children. Piggy Press also publishes the works of Pat, the Panamanian writers such as Rose Marie Tapia (Roberto on the right track), The Adventures of Cat-cat, Rolando Rangel, Counter Kubiler kuna star writer, among others English and English. Some works are published in English and French.

10% of all sales are donated to The Shed Mausi , temporary housing for cancer patients.

Pat books for children in any language are very important, but the books are bilingual. English recently became the second official language of the Republic of Panama. In view of this, the Press Piggy mission is to provide children's books, multilingual and multicultural affordable so that everyone can appreciate and learn something about the world through reading. To date, Piggy Press has published thirty-four titles and has scheduled the release of many, many more.



Click on the links to read some of the work
harpy eagle

The rainbow princess


Books are for sale at Exedra Books, Riba Smith, Education, Metropolitan Park, Smithsonian Institute, Booknook (Columbus 2000), The Man in the Mancha (Santiago), in supermarkets Romero, Daisy Bookshop (Chiriquí) and Regional Library of Chiriqui. Also available on Amazon.com

Events and News

Caribbean - New digital book project Panamanian writer Carlos Wynter Melo.

Weekly Picks Caribbean story. With sun and sand to the world.


Wednesday, March 7 - Presentation of the book "Women of the Century" with selecicón of writings and study of Anayansi Turner. 6:00 pm Faculty of Law, University of Panama (Hall of Sustainability).

Thursday, March 8 - Association of Writers in Panama invites the roundtable "Postmodernism in literature and art." Submitted by Ariel Barria Alvarado and Rodolfo de Gracia. Manuel Amador Gallery, University of Panama. 7:00 pm

Saturday, March 10 - 2: 00p.m. The readership of the National Library will discuss the story "Copper roll" author anonymous.

Tuesday, March 13 - Blog Radio, program sheet. Guests: José Luis Rodríguez Pittí. 7:00 pm on 88.1FM Radio 10

Saturday, March 17 - National Library, 3:00 p.m. Conversation with the writer Álvaro Menéndez Franco. Will discuss the life and work of Rómulo Gallegos.

Tuesday, March 20 - Blog Radio, program sheet. Guests: Young Cesar Nunez. Special Day of poetry Intl. 7:00 pm on 88.1FM Radio 10

Wednesday March 21 - World Poetry Day. Join INAC activities planned. Volunteers needed. More info Dept. of Arts, INAC 501-4952/62. sheet. will be at 10:00 am at the Oxford School (opposite the Iglesia del Carmen) to read to students at 10 ° and 11 °

Saturday, March 24 - 2:00 p. m. National Library. Under the International Day of poetry, the book club is discussing Binal a Panamanian erotic poetry.

Monday, April 2 - Association of Writers in Panama invites the poetry reading "Summary" (Three voices and time). Participate José Córdova, David Robinson and Javier Romero Hernandez. 7:00 pm Exedra Books.

Technological University of Panama announced that the National Short Story Prize

"José María Sánchez" 2007 closes this year 30 March.

The Award is given during the month of April 2007. More information call 560-3627.


Foundation announces Signs Signs Award Children's Theatre "Tilsia Perigault" 2007, Signs of Poetry Award "Stella Sierra" 2007. The prize consists of B/.1, 000.00, honorary diploma of merit, a package of books and publication of the winning entry, as well as the staging of the play. Open until Thursday May 31, 2007. Bases and more info: www.escritorespanama.com

literary expression, dictated by Carlos Fong
Thursday 8, 15, 22 and 29 March. Casa Cultural Huellas. 6:00 to 8:00 pm Registration 265-8703.


SPAY is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to the sterilization of dogs and cats at very low prices. Also looking for a home worship, fun and loving for kittens and dogs that have had the good fortune of being taken to SPAY. They await. More info 261-5542

extraordinary ... G AR A N T LIFTING O!
