Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Top Anime Lollicon Mivies

03/21/1907: poetry in the streets and José Luis Rodríguez Pittí

E stima L reflectors:

Next week will be one of the most active for local literature, to be held for the seventh year World Poetry Day . The 2007 designated "Poetry against violence", brings a host of educational and cultural activities throughout the country. INAC

making planned streets, plazas, and waiting rooms of public institutions for reading and sharing poetry with anyone who will listen. Will we be heard? Can a man wrapped in the newspaper everyday dilemma, to accommodate that demand aesthetic appreciation poem while checking the row of Pharmacy that will not give expectorant without sugar? Similarly, INAC will be in the Albrook bus terminal in a great marathon poetic which I joined as a volunteer pilot. Naive, but willing.

sheet. , true to the credo "less Bemba and more work," will be at the College Oxford at 10:30 in the morning to read, along with Indira and Isolde Moreno León, poetry to children at school level secondary. From there move on to the Gran Terminal de Albrook to support the Marathon Poetics and close the evening with a flourish in the show and chat show " The art of poetry " (Teatro la Quadra, 7:00 pm) hosted by Writers Association of Panama.

I invite you to join this great effort. Make homeland is a difficult task. Wanted labor.

This week is for us José Luis Rodríguez Pittí, writer, editor, graphic designer, engineer, member of the Writers' Association of Panama photographer and a graduate in Life, specializing in coffee gathering. We know however, as a friend and a man who practices what he preaches. José Luis if not in jail, they are looking for and that's good, because it demonstrates daily its true interest in the arts. As a writer is formidable and worthy representative of the letters in Panama. In his works a human universal, contemporary, not without the warm aroma of our land. But I will not hurt them surprise. Join us to enjoy a glass of wine and good company.

Welcome to the sheet.

José Luis + José Luis + José Luis


author José Luis Rodríguez Pittí
(Panama, 1971). Writer known for his short stories, most of which have appeared in magazines and newspapers, and some of them chosen for the anthology "Until the morning sun" (Panama, 1998), "Panama has" (Panama, 2003) "The minifiction in Panama" (Bogotá, 2003), "Shared Dream" (Panama, 2005) and "I love you fairy tale" (Panama, 2007).

In his book "Dreams", the University of Panama granted the prize "Dario Herrera's Tale" in 1994. Also won honorable mentions in the National Prize "Signs" Youth Literature 1993 (Panama), National Short Story Competition "José María Sánchez" 1998 (Panama), Competition "Amadis of Gaul" 1999 (Soria, Spain ) and Competition "Maga" Short Story 2001 (Panama). In 1999, the Technological University of Panama published his collection of short stories Chronicle invisibles. "

Member of the Writers' Association of Panama and Head of literary newsletter published weekly by the Association. As a cultural promoter, active in the organization of roundtables, conferences, presentations of books and authors, meetings, conferences. Drink coffee.

As a photographer visited the peninsula of Azuero (back in the nineties) collecting stories and pictures, with photo essays he wrote three: "I weighed Good Friday", "Azuero" and "Noche de Carnaval." In 1994 Panama won the Prize section III Canon's Day Earth "by images of Panama's Metropolitan Natural Park. He has participated in group exhibitions and some of his photos have appeared in journals and as book covers. He has also lectured at the Technological University of Panama and Universidad Santa Maria La Antigua.



Tiger skin (from the book "Chronicle of invisible")

on the floor of my room is the tanned hide of a large American cat. I do not know who, or why, made the great humility of taking the life of a noble cat. They tore the beautiful mottled coat, which served as shelter life against cold and moisture, and headquarters in the bush hunting.

The tanned for three months with mangrove and gall, and the wind dried the salt desert created by men. And here it is. A part of this magnificent tiger, which killed large deer herds and fast, ripping the leather with sharp claws and fangs. Today is here, at my feet, that one day terror was able to see at night, smell and hear the unheard distance, the one whose scent was fear and death scream. Here in my own room, lying on the ground jaguar skin a man killed in a dastardly and cowardly shotgun.

What a waste! What a lack of conscience! Such beauty of the soft mottled skin that sleek and agile animal, today only a wicked and unworthy carpet.

His eyes, nose and ears are gone, but here in his old coat still have holes. And even frightening. As frightening even large feet that keep the gaping holes that once entered his sharp claws. I do not know what

do. I can not sleep in this morning because I think that the soul of the tiger may still lurk in the night. And his skin is here. And the slightly touched and caressed with fascination. Now it's hard, but what should be soft and flexible when it ran freely covering the owner.

And while I run my hand over it, this is me turns brown. And it looks beautiful, as it is spotted like the skin of the cat that died in vain who knows how long ago.

's late. It's night and the air coming through the window full of odors. I hunger and a fierce need to go to run quietly, I feel the anguish and anxiety closure of the vast mountain yearning to be free.
I must leave now, my skin is brown and mottled and while the lamp is broken to fall, still look good. And the smells and sounds excite me call me. And my claws are sharp and my sharp teeth. Outside

have a deer has already stirred because I'm nervous for him.


Chronicle invisible (from the book "Chronicle of invisible" )

People pass in front of the cathedral.

All come for an hour, with heat. Fanning themselves with cardboard, Sacred Reading, whatever. Wait without hearing what the priest tells them behind the pulpit. Are removed in their seats with boredom obvious.

Salen, and greet each other warmly at the entrance. They talk crap.

People pass in front of the cathedral.

doors close completely, and everyone walks by. But I'm still there. Right in the middle of the entrance. And no one notices my presence invisible.

During this time anyone has noticed my existence there in the midst of all.

After all do not exist; I'm just a beggar.


Dream Nathan Bedford Forrest in the hot afternoon

decided to leave the clan
(taken from Magazine "Maga")

I looked into his eyes. Seemed not to mind my presence. I sat down with everyone and all share the moment of profound and strange tranquility. Strange peace. Strange stillness. At least for me, I knew beforehand what was to follow.

sometimes spoke and everyone listened carefully. When he did, dedicated to all intense eyes, attentive. Suddenly announced that one would betray him.

And here something strange happened: time stopped for everyone but him and me. He dropped the pan and jumped through the long space between us, standing beside me, bringing his face close to mine as he could without touching. With strength he snapped: "You hypocrite ... Memorize well what time and tell everybody: I'm black di ... How the Son of Man is only a black like that you killed yesterday with a vengeance! ".

was there I woke up soaked in sweat.



Wednesday, March 14, 6:30 PM
At the Latin University of Panama, the conference " Write
in Panama today, presented by the writers Carlos Fong,
Javier Romero Hernández, Endara and Ernesto Enrique Jaramillo Levi.

Saturday, March 17, 3:00 PM
The National Library Álvaro Menéndez
discussion with Franco on the life and work of writer Romulo Gallegos.

Monday, 19 March
Magic children's literature
With Pat Alvarado, Manuelita German, Lynx and Rene Eduardo Irigoyen
For children and adults. 7 pm Exedra Books. Free Admission ***

WORKSHOP - literary expression, dictated by Carlos FongJueves 8, 15, 22 and 29 March. Casa Cultural Huellas. 6:00 to 8:00 pm Registration 265-8703.

Wednesday, March 21, 7:00 PM


Discussion and recital "The Art of Poetry", by Enrique Jaramillo Levi, Edilberto González Trejos Gorka Lasa, Javier Romero Hernández and participation is open to writers and the general public. Teatro La Quadra. 7:00 pm

INAC Info: 501-4962 Department of Arts


March 21, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Recital
ongoing national poets

Totally free
JOIN *****

Tuesday, March 27, 7:00 PM
Presentation Gallery Manuel E. Amador's 14th book
story of Enrique Jaramillo Levi, "fishy." *****




PANAMA-SPAY nonprofit foundation dedicated to the sterilization of dogs and cats. Also looking for a home worship, fun and loving for kittens and dogs who have had the good fortune to be rescued.

More info 261-5542


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