Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Computer Repair Blogger

Home Theater: The Loft in

E stima L reflectors:

Tomorrow, like every April 25th, marks the Rogelio Sinan birthday, considered by many as the greatest exponent of the letters in Panama. As is customary in these lands and Caribbean hot, met politicians of the day to enjoy the artificial climate and passed papers in all directions to give the nod to the institution of the Day Writer Panama. I know. Some people say "the writer and the writer "but, back when I taught the language, I explained that it was enough a man in a sea of \u200b\u200bwomen to all bow down to the male gender ... I have never felt offended. Example: "The men of the earth wept." "The Panamanian writers sang." "The slum dwellers Pedregalito Light Glorious Road and apotheosis of Omar." Who cares?

The drama is common in Latin America. We histrionic vein that bleeds in spurts every time we open the mouth. That is why I present today in a special Panamanian Writers' Day, the comedy troupe The Attic, directed by Eugenio Fernandez. Appreciate some plays by local authors at home and you will live, literally, the true meaning of HOME THEATER.

Indeed, Eugene had the not so happy experience to know me as a teenager with pretensions dientona starved and classical dancer. Way back when I studied at the National School of Dance (INAC), Eugenio was my teacher of Theatre Arts. I remember the happy hours I spent, along with the other girls starving in the tiny library, a hundred light years from Witch dictated Modern Dance. Now I am the only witch in my own program ...

Welcome to the sheet. *******

With 23 years of success in the assembly of plays The Loft offers the opportunity to develop theatrical skills, improve self-confidence and projection of the people. Participating in this group, students can express themselves more effectively, be more convincing and sure of themselves. This group mixes classical and experimental to give the public a space for healthy recreation and culture. Throughout its history, The Loft has been awarded seven times for Best College Theater Group and is recognized hotbed prominent figures in the theatrical environment of Panama. The Loft is presented in the Auditorium Tomas Alberto Clavel of the USMA, theaters, schools, and convention centers.


live theater

Tony Works Fergo

(please sir Fergo not sue me)
Love Dialogue

Marriage as many. He, uncle with all the horns. She, an aunt with all the horns of the guy who in this case is not your uncle, but the nephew of the uncle of her husband.

-Anselma ...
-Patrick ...
"You fool me ...
- Are you serious? "I never make jokes
with this accusation.
- Are you accuse me?
"I offend.
"And you fool me.
"Okay, I deceive you. But you offend me.
-offend because you know you've deceived me ...
"Which does not change your offense.
-Ni justify your deceit.
"I deceive you, but do not be offended. You, however, I offend but not deceive me.
"But I would prefer not to deceive, to avoid this painful offense to offend.
-will be difficult, Patrick. Between you and me gets an offense.
And a hoax.
-Deception is justified for the offense.
"Sorry, love, but the offense came after the deception.
"Do not try this case chronologically, by God. Offended me and that's horrible. How could you do?
I do not know, I do not care. It must be the trick.
- What is wrong with cheating?
- How bad? Well, well ... it is bad ...
- Worse than an offense?
"Well, worse, worse, no. But as bad as an offense.
"Then confess your error. I must have offended and apologize.
"Not before you retract your deception. "That
. My trick was for love and your offense was out of jealousy.
-Arrea, but the deception was not for my sake but for the sake of another.
-A other does not. Others.
- Is there more than a hoax?
"No, deceit, deception, one, repeated varios.El concept is one: a scam, period. The actors themselves are several. But you do not accuse me of cheating on the quantitative but qualitative.
-Anselma, I hear you and do not understand.
"Well I did not hear me, but I understand. As I handed out a trick from number, you have given me your offense to myself, alone, without sharing with anyone! Do you realize how outrageous that you?
-Anselma, do not get well, please. My offense is not indifference. It is simply an insult to those sales that are purchased in supermarkets in the days of special sales. Your deception itself is, however, an article by wholesalers.
-more valuable. See? You yourself confess that even to offend you mean. Even a worthless trinket. But I, generously, I've cheated, not once but many times. Spare no effort, because I knew it was for you. Do you realize how unhappy I am with you? Anselma
"By God, confuse me ...
"Now that the confusion. I do not even understand!
"Do not be so dear, do not you see you make me feel guilty?
"Because you are guilty. I have offended.
"You know that that was not my intention ...
"But I'm offended ...
- Do you promise? Prometo.Pero
"I'll promise me you will not fool me. Patricio.Condiciones
"That's not for the forgiveness of you I can not accept. Trying to justify your sins promising not to offend me and start to attach conditions. Do you realize that living with you is impossible? Anselma
"Forgive, forgive. I did not know what I said ... Maybe it's that deso have you to myself ... As a common property. In my soul that I have a socialist.
"Okay, according ... whatever you say. If possible, only one request.
- What?
-you think it inches are delusions? ...
- How many?
I do not know. Half of the last ...
- "And I warrant that no offense?
-I guarantee ...
- word?
Jura ...
-wasting my horns if you're lying ...



(Of the Work's Nest Macuá)

Raúl Leis

About the author

In Theater has been awarded three times the Prize "Ricardo Miró" (1973, 1981 and 1988) Honorable Mention in 1993 and second place and honorable mention of the Floral Games Central Quetzaltenango (Guatemala). Finalist Prize XXIV version of Tirso de Molina (1994) the Institute of Latin American Cooperation of Spain. His works have been assembled and published the most including: Travel to salvation and other countries comes the sun with his hat as combat, boxing Worse, Mary Picana; Macua's nest; Lucecita Gonzalez, First of May, not right, sir; Mundunción, "Mr. Sun, La Mancha Pancha canteen. Co-author of these forms of communication out there (released in Ecuador and Honduras). He has also dabbled as a screenwriter. In the year 2004 He obtains Honorable Mention Award in American Literature with Rogelio Sinan Remedy for grief work.

Evil Eye
The original annotations have been adapted by The Attic for the transmission of this program.
Fernando: (From below, in a voice that tries to be low and many fuss) Mario! Are we up?

Mario: (From top) I'm home! Fernando ... I am very clear and well done.

Fernando: Mario ... Dawn yet and still we have not been detected. Still time to save if you want! For the last time away from this idea crazy, irrational and absurd! (The light of a searchlight sweeping the stage and jumps into the soil to prevent it).

Mario: Fernando, you okay? Too bad you can not climb. There is not space for both.

Fernando: But when you're Claree throw. Mario. Look, missing only a few minutes before sunrise! I insist that it is madness and a half what you're trying to do!

Mario: It seems somewhat eccentric, but makes sense ... Fernando

: Logic? How can we not going to be crazy, "browse" a military base belonging to the most powerful country on earth?

Mario: See Fernando, I'll tell you one last time. Produce or not the evil eye. Tell me?

Fernando: Right. When you look at a child gets a fever ...

Mario: When I see a flower blooming, the leaves are removed and placed gloomy ... and that's nothing, when I put the eye of a cow suckling her calf She dried her tits!

Fernando: And you, stubborn ... want to use that look to provoke the evil eye on a base full of soldiers, which will start shooting at you from the moment you notice your prescencia ... And it is almost for that! Get off that cloud, Mario, by God! They are not children, not flowers and cows!

Mario: Look, Fernando. When the sun rises ... I take off these sunglasses and I will give a concentrated look at that base. You know why! From there come the supplies and troops, to help exterminate the entire town each others ...

Fernando: To those who will kill at a time is upon us!

Mario: My eyes are the only weapons they possess. They have always been a curse for me. But now serve to good use! Friend, I beg you to stay away and put yourself safe. It's crazy that you unnecessary risks! Fernando

(accompanied by the sound of a box. Ritmo Tropical)

I did not go then, my friend.
who want to destroy evil,
with the evil eye.
For that you have
more than courage, fearlessness ...

Mario: (continues the song) Evil, evil, evil eye / is all I have, / for those who kill at will.

Literary Events

Alondra Badano Award winning American Literature "Rogelio Sinan" 2006-2007
American Award for Literature "Rogelio Sinan" 2006 - 2007, organized by the Technological University of Panama, Panama won the writer, member of the Directors of the Association of Writers in Panama, Alondra Badano with his short story collection "daub."

TODAY WEDNESDAY 25 APRIL LIVE LIFE - Poetry Choice Mireya Hernández. Staged readings directed by Eugenio Fernandez, reading poems and Lucy Chau Eyra Harbar, the poet's literary career by Aby Martínez, reviews of his obra.Exedra Books. 7:00 pm

BOOK FAIR - 15 to 20 May 2007, at the Convention Center ATLAPA.

April 30, 2007 at 7 PM in the Cafeteria at Exedra Books Library. Formal presentation of the project READERS SEEDING. For more information visit: www.letrasdefuego.com

TODAY WEDNESDAY April 25: Feast Day of Panamanian writers.
Panama Writers Association invites you to a toast at 7:00 PM in the Board of Foreign, National Library. Awards will be held the XI American Award for Literature "Rogelio Sinan." The keynote speaker will be Ariel Barria Alvarado. Entry open to all writers and literature lovers.
26 and April 27 Workshop literary Monica Lavin, twelve-hour workshop aimed at interested in writing the story. Rest. Rino's, Panama City. B/.120.00 cost includes two lunches and four coffee breaks. Information tel. 560-3627 (Cultural Diffusion, UTP).
follow the poetry and fiction workshops at Casa Cultural Huellas dictated by Carlos Fong. Info at 265-8703.

Friday, April 20, 2007

How To Make A Horse Sleigh

Fair coca leaf

International Fair brings coca coca growers in Peru, Colombia and
Bolivia Sucre, Bolivia - With the participation of producers in the tropics of Cochabamba, the six federations of the city of La Paz, and representatives of producers in Peru and Colombia was the first International Fair of the Coca Leaf , informed the president of the Coca Committee of the Constituent Assembly, Margarita Terán.

With a variety of products based on the coca leaf, more than 200 growers met in Sucre to publicize the benefits of the ancient road.

syrups Products like every disease, wines, cookies, coca flour, gum, ointments, even earrings were exposed yesterday Saturday on the first day of the fair that ended Sunday.

The event was organized by the Coca Committee of the Constituent Assembly, Tehran, reported currently working on three subcommittees: the first related to the industrialization of the coca leaf, the second upgrading project and the third works the legalization of coca. "We hope that people are happy with the project that we present because the work we do is based on the proposals of the population to achieve a single document that mainly benefit producers of coca leaf," said Teran.

Source: RedBolivia.com

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cheddar Ranch Flavored Fritos

Radio Blog Stories of women: female perspective on our literature

E stima L reflectors:

The introduction of today will be brief. I feel terrible. I caught a cold break-bone style, the kind that make you throw yourself into bed and cry for your mother. Cute little mother, make me soup and I do not pass calls.

our guest today deserve the attention of the world, which can not provide me sicker than now. They are the new storytellers Panamanian women of different ages and perspectives on life, the world and the pen. We're joined Taylor Isabel Herrera, Lupita Quirós Jované Athanasiadis and Lizzi.

Well, what is the difference between male and female short story? That concerned the program. Also as usual I will ask: How do men deserve them? Do you understand? Would you understand? This is an invitation to the minds of three women of different characters and very peculiar philosophy of life, united in the bonds of ink and paper.

Welcome to the sheet.



was born in Panama City. He graduated Bachelor of Science in National elInstituto and obtained a degree in Biology and Chemistry at the University of Panama. She is married and has two daughters. One also writes. Isabel is a graduate of the Diploma in Creative Writing at the University of Panama in 2003. He has published stories in literary magazine Maga on several occasions and won the Short Story Maga in 2004 with the story titled "Women garden. "His first book of short stories" The woman in the garden and other unpredictable women "was published in June 2005 in Testimonials Collection National Technological University of Panama. won honorable mention at the Short Story Award, Faculty of Science PromesaLiteraria and Technology to 2006, with the tale "The everyday life." is to publish his second book of short stories entitled "The daily life", with 9Signos Editorial (May 2007).



The makeup accentuated slanted eyes, has a sharp nose and lips inviting.
wearing a emerald green dress adorned with a modest neckline, notched his waist. The adjustment of the skirt makes a call to his hips.
He looks in the mirror with delight, and likes to see itself: as female.
A gentle touch on the door and warns, its response is mixed with the words when spoken:
- When will you be ...?
- I'm coming, I'm coming!
- Okay! I hope you ... Listen
steps away.
takes off her clothes quickly, with agility, folding laundry and stores it in a box. All I had put goes to the bottom the closet.
walks to the bathroom. Removes makeup lazily, slowly, last mouth. Throw the paper with red stains on the toilet and watch it disappear into the vortex that forms the water.
appropriate to wear clothes again forever, everyday. Collect the hair.
Before leaving, look at the image that restores the mirror and says, "I do not like your pants gray or blue shirt or the tie. I hate her face without makeup.
sighs with disgust and keeps the woman who lives in it.

STORY ******

With ocean

Elenita told me that he came to the bedroom, saw me asleep, and called me "Maria Felix Maria Felix." She likes to pronounce my name. As no answer, went to bed and in a low voice whispered in my ear: "Wake up, Mary."
soil bed in the afternoon to rest and she has among its tasks the wake. But this time was that I felt very bad, did not hear her enter the room.
did not feel my heart beating. This feeling scared for a moment, then relaxed body and mind completely. My concerns stopped with me because I still asleep, I worry, especially for Elenita. She has not been like other girls. The doctor who attended her during her childhood, the diagnosis: Delayed ...!
Why me? This question made me many times, while others hid with the guilt and sadness over me. Part of the process of acceptance of this reality was the embarrassment of laughs when it should not, not progressing in school and over the years, an age and she is still a child. Its sweetness and joy of life made me love her, but deep within me lies a fear of the future that will not let me rest.
These thoughts were diluted away from me, disappearing into nothingness.
What peace! A river appeared, its clear waters invite you to enter them. Obeying an impulse I slipped my feet into the water: How refreshing! When wet, I felt a peace I can not describe. A feeling and can become eternal. Was it by choice that my heart stopped? I wanted to stay in this place where there was no noise, where the details, those little things that make the difference between one being and another being, and between an object and another object, were not significant. Be another drop of water flowing in this river.
Here I stay, I decided.
After calling me, pulled me by the arm and I moved. Sure felt something strange, because tearfully shouted with all his strength, "Mom, do not leave me alone!".
And despite my desire to get involved fully in the water, to rest, I tremble all over and a force that attracted me to the river forced me to get a foot ... and then the other ...
From "The woman in the garden and other unpredictable women"


QUIRÓS LUPITA Athanasiadis

is Professor of English language and a degree in Creative Writing from the Technological University of Panama in 2003. Fourth Honorable Mention in the "Concurso Nacional de Cuentos José María Sánchez," in 2004 for his work "What I said the wind." Second Honorable Mention in the "Concurso Nacional de Cuentos José María Sánchez, in 2005, with the book" Counting want to tell you ... "First Honorable Mention in the contest" Maga Short Short Story "in 2006, with the mini-story" The DNA test. " Award Promise Literary Year "2006 for his story:" The barbed wire fence. "In December 2004, published his first book of short stories under the title" If I told you .... " In January 2006, presents his first novel "The Widow of the big house." Her stories have appeared in several issues of the journal Cultural "Maga" in local newspapers and in several anthologies. Member of the Board of the Writers Association of Panama (ADEP).

The daguerreotype

Monsieur Lautrec was fanning herself with a patched black hat when he heard the clink of metal chimes hanging from the door and advised that someone entered the antique store.
When the boy came with the package, Lautrec greeted him with affection, as it was the only way to hide the fear of having known and forgotten, which is in this way as fiddling with memory octogenarians.
Pierre, as he was called the young man placed the object on the counter and looked at others who seemed to watch him from the shelves. There were books, clocks, porcelain ornaments, candles and, when setting their sights on an old picture frames, recalled the purpose of your visit. He put an envelope near the old antique and he pulled the object that was inside a bag that had been dark velvet in his heyday, but now denoting the mess the years. Monsieur Lautrec
smoothed his mustache with a peculiar gesture that seemed to have been born with it.
"Let's see, what you bring me, boy ..." My grandfather died
few days ago. I said before I would bequeath this and as I do not understand why he wanted it and shined So here is what I bring to give me something for him.
Monsieur Lautrec's draw finished oldest picture camera ever thought existed and coughed trying to clear his throat to make Young not collected by the emotion that gave him that old.
"This is very old and the inside must be rusty, but as I suppose a little sad you get rid of it will give you enough money to celebrate, today, a spree that makes you forget.
Pierre smiled contentedly and put his hand up the crumpled envelope.
"Also I give this letter to let my grandfather because I do not say anything, I think is the explanation of how the pictures were removed. Inside there is also a box with bottles.
"Let them," said the old man as he was encouraged by that fat business. He agreed and gave the money, giving a tap shoulder, whispered:
"Do not worry, be in good hands.
"Thanks," said the boy. Great-grandfather was right when I said that would interest you.
These words not enough to hear Monsieur Lautrec, absorbed in contemplation of his treasure. Only when metal bells jumped and closed the door, turned on the fan for a moment because neither the fresh air and wanted to share the miserly usurer Lautrec who, accustomed as he was to cheat, was unable to perceive when the self-made same.
He locked the door, put the warning of "closed" and, smiling, he was with the daguerreotype to the back. There, with the air vitiated by many old items began to read the letter.
"Through the daguerreotype I tried to show that reality is fleeting and that can keep alive the memories because we remember we have a perishable existence."

signed: "M. Lautremont, photographer and a magician."
"Old fool," muttered the dealer and proceeded to open the camera and watch with a magnifying glass.
pulled the sheet metal so neatly clean iridescent glow giving, and took the bottles whose labels read: silver nitrate, copper, bromine, mercury and dilute sodium chloride. He coughed several times because of heat and thin air of the back and excited as a child, he unfolded a piece of paper that also came in the letter and where you read the instructions. He tucked the gear and began the procedure.
poured silver nitrate on the basis of copper in the mirror surface of the metal plates. He tried to get the positive revealing the photos I had taken to the statues of his shop and to do so, he dipped the images in dilute sodium chloride, but the seal was defective because it disappeared in the same few minutes. Fascinated

, repeated again and again thinking process that if he could prove that this old still running, it could auction the daguerreotype in a huge amount of money. The tenacity, fueled by ambition, soon paid off: Monsieur Lautrec began to do so.
He sat in his chair, adjusted the light and adjusted his glasses, the sweating had become unbearable, but that does not stop.

The budding alchemist shouted jubilant when the film was able to extract the images permanent. And such was his eagerness that crazy thought carefully noting that they were not taken into your store, but figures with human faces from another era. Recognized

his wife, who had abandoned him at age 28 with her two small children. Next she saw a distinguished gentleman who sported a wizard hat and seemed to smile sardonically through dozens of years, acted in the photo as husband and father of ... his own family!
desperately sought the microscope, she observed the male face and staggered panic taking over the letter and read it again the signature: "Monsieur Lautremont, photographer and magician." At that moment everything was made clear.
When he fell to the ground and could hardly breathe poisoned by the fumes of bromine and mercury, substances that could not escape from that place so closed.

On the floor, and still with the crumpled letter from his fingers, remembering the promise of his greatest enemy: "You stole my money but I will take away what is most precious to you and even your own life." Recalling the last word, the dealer he did not know if they killed those words or breathing polluted environment.
Back home, Pierre went to the armchair where he waited an old elegant, always absorbed in new magic tricks. When their eyes met the boy raised his thumb and said
-Easy, great grandfather, the mission has been executed.

was when the man smiled, largely contained. ******

Lissy Jované

Born in Panama an April 27, 1972. Defines itself as a hopeless idealist. Blamed mainly on Ernesto Sabato, Pablo Neruda and Jorge Luis Borges in his romance with literature. By profession, a lawyer. He has a Masters in Management Multimodal Transport Logistics of the UNCTAD-United Nations. Member of the National Bar Association and the Panamanian Association of Law and New Technologies. He has published articles and essays in the newspaper La Prensa in Lex Magazine National Bar Association, on bulletin Legal Info and APANDETEC. Chairperson of the Committee on Information Technology Legal Bar Association, 2003-2004. In 2006 he received the Diploma in Creative Writing at the University of Panama, which arises through the initiative of Professor Enrique Jaramillo Levi, the idea of \u200b\u200bforming the company "Nine Signs Publishing Group, which is its Vice President. Soon appear in "Lyrics Complices" (Collective of the Diploma in Creative Writing - Promotion 2006), his stories "The Singer" and "Signum".


Every day at ten o'clock in the evening was the same. That voice was heard through the walls of my house, entered the room, followed by the room, waving flowers, went through the tiles of the kitchen, finally came into my room .... And my ears, eliminating my full concentration on the evening news. Once again the voice that seemed to come from a woman ... sweet intonation ... the old Cuban songs.
The first time I felt the voice, I was in my bed, suffering from a mild melancholy, I sank into a stupor and longing for a time slept. Such was the dream that gave me this voice, that I got up to investigate its mysterious origin. He kept singing and singing a full repertoire with a distinctive Cuban accent.

the second day, something happened like the first, except that after entering the dream, I could see the female figure from which emanated the voice lilting. She was dressed in black, soft-looking, red hair and white skin, again, what stands out around the box was the voice spectrum. But why such attraction exerted on me? I woke up the next day, and my brain could not forget throughout the day, I could not concentrate at work, and worst, was not paying attention to the guidelines was my boss. Without realizing it, I was surprised to be involved in that gentle slumber that would transport me, just to hear it again. Only the third night
sprang from my bed. As much as was unable to fall asleep, I was desperate. Then, after three hours of trying to sleep, I sat ... .. However, watching me sleep walking towards the balcony and opening windows, I could see in the near horizon, and I also felt it would increase its voice singing "anxiety, to have you in my arms." As I went out the windows of the balcony, almost, to fall, but could not see. Only increased the volume of your voice. For a moment, almost instinctively, I looked at the apartment next door ... .. And there she was, singing, as though possessed by a spirit of an artist of Old Havana. I woke up at that moment, and my wife asked me exalted the reason for my cries, I asked him point blank if he could tell me where that voice came from bolero, and looked at me like a lunatic.
"I hear no voice - he said. - You must be raving.
I was totally disarmed, just woken up, startled. With enormous uncertainty. I apologized to her and I retired to the room. But the voice continued to pursue me .... "There is no time of day that can turn away from you" ... .. to sleep.
A ray of sun I woke up with a hit in the eyes, another day without noticing the bittersweet melody, had to wait until tonight ....
This torture continued for two weeks, not physically see the body of his home. By day I looked at the apartment next door, and only appeared a little old lady who lived alone, and weaving on the balcony white tablecloths.
Another night I could see her, I saw the word, not the body, came back from building next door, just the apartment next door, runs along the left diagonal to mine, and in the middle window on the second floor. And did not come (voice) directly to my balcony, but he left his place of origin, down to the common area, followed by a small garden to the front to collide with a lamppost public. Thence to a roundabout and up to the height of my balcony, and then penetrate to every corner of the house up to my ears.

One Saturday morning, no more support and asked the owner of the building next door pointing to the apartment.
- Do you know who lives there?
"Nobody," he replied. "Two and a half years there is nobody there.
- It is not possible, if ever see an old woman knitting on the balcony!
"I looked with a puzzled face and asked me:" you're also hearing a voice singing boleros at night?
"Yes. Again
heart gave me a bad break and I felt nauseous. I remembered, then, strangely cheap rent, despite the central location of the building as well as the desperation of the owner to rent fast.
died Three years ago the lady who lived in the apartment that I mentioned, apparently of a heart attack. I heard that in its heyday was a famous cabaret singer who enthralled to the listener. One day, inexplicably, lost his voice. And his glory days were forgotten.

The cold made me realize that I feared, but also yearned to sleep for listening. I breathed deeply. I figured coming strange days, and many revelations. **********

Tuesday April 17, Multipurpose Room, National Library, 7:00 pm Presentation of the book Living in Panama, Sandra Snyder. Wednesday
April 18, Gran Gala - Presentation of the novel "Unearthed" by Ramon Fonseca. Panama La Vieja, Convent of the Nuns of the Conception, 6:30 pm We will have valet service and security for your car.
Wednesday, 18 April-Panama Writers Association invites Mesa roundtable. 7:00 pm Gallery Manuel E. Amador (Universidad de Panama, next to the Faculty of Law). "The new short stories Panamanian" by Fulvia Morales Castillo, Carlos E. A. Fong and Enrique Jaramillo Levi. Free admission.

Mexican writer Monica Lavin in Panama - Issue Twelve-hour workshop aimed at interested in writing stories. The workshop will be held at Rino's restaurant, Thursday 26 and Friday 27 April. B/.120.00 Cost includes lunch and coffee breaks. Info at 560-3627.

Wednesday 25 April, Foreign National Library Board 6:30 p.m. Award of Rogelio Sinan American Literature 2006-2007. Event organized by the University of Technology.

WORKSHOPS - CULTURAL HOUSE TRACKS - Workshop on creation and literary appreciation "Sense of poetry. "The workshop will focus on the importance of writing, reading and teaching poetry in our time. On Saturday 14, 21 and 28 April and 5 May, 2:00 to 4:00 pm Taught by Carlos Fong . info at 265-8703. Casa Cultural Huellas - Workshop on "Guidelines for Writing a novel" Tuesdays 3, 10, 17, and 24 April and 8, 15, 22 and 29 May. From 6:00 pm to 8 : 00 pm Cost: 80.00 (8 days). Taught by Carlos Fong. Info at 265-8703.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Anime Mixed Wrestling

fishy: Interview with Jaramillo Levi

E stima L reflectors:

This week is hectic in the world of letters Panama, book presentations and activities throughout the city. On Good Friday I left my Manolo's agenda in Via Argentina and I have not for her, waiting for me eager for the scribble from beginning to end with a thousand pods and events that I have outstanding. Those who know me know that without it I do nothing and forget everything.

The agenda of our guest tonight is an autonomous, independent and sovereign. Is very active and aggressive, almost guerrilla. Enrique Jaramillo i Lev, famous national writer, writes, promote new authors, teach, learn, edit, edit, rewrite, called, sent emails, contests, win competitions (the Ricardo Miró) and drink coffee. As president of the Writers' Association of Panama, also have to go to meetings and take notes. Without Henry would not have the tasty Marginal booklets (printed by the University of Technology), there would be no review or contest the Maga, or Diploma in Creative Writing (turns UTP), in order ... Not reach the leaf, much less one hour radio programming, to sing the praises of one of the writers and literary promoters most prolific of our patio. As we can not afford, we to light candles and burn incense on the altar of what is said Enrique AND mismito.

Speaking of candles, we can turn off the ignition internal to the speedy recovery of our beloved Lizzi Rodriguez ( Infoarte ), which is already making the rounds again to crime which receive each week the best cultural newsletter of the ball in the world, amen.
Welcome to the sheet.

born in Colon, Panama, December 11, 1944. Bachelor of Arts majoring in English at the University of Panama and Teaching in Secondary Education (1967). Obtained at the University of Iowa (Iowa City, Iowa, USA) MFA in Creative Writing (1969) and Masters in Latin American literature (1970). He studied part-PhD in Latin American literature at the Colegio de Mexico (Mexico City, 1973-1974), and complete studies of the same ends Ph.D. National Autonomous University of Mexico (1975-1976). More about the author and his work:


Accesses the following link to read one of the best interviews with the author:

" Around story" by Edward Waters Hood.




A collection of short stories by Jaramillo Levi, recently published by Editorial Nine Signs. Sales in supermarkets and pharmacies in Panama.

In the author's voice: fishy tales


Enrique Jaramillo Levi

Group Editorial Norma, in his collection Cara y Cruz, presents the reissue of Enrique Jaramillo Levi, Enigmatic Tales ; na or mythical journey through the author's work in Panama. The collection comprises the most significant stories Jaramillo Levi, from 1973 to the present. This work is de rigueur for anyone who wants an evolutionary perspective on the work of the best known writer of the Isthmus. The publication also presents two essays on his work and a complete timeline. You are invited to the launch of this unique book

WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, AT 7:00 PM EXEDRA BOOKS. Tonight, hear the voice of the author's stories in this selection.


What happens in the cultural world is Panama

http://www.culturaplus.net/ .


Wednesday, April 11 - Enrique Jaramillo Levi presents new book "Tales enigmatic", 7:00 pm at the Library ExedraBooks. Exhibitors will be the writers Yolanda J. Hackshaw and Jose Luis Rodriguez Pitti. Are invited to the public.

Thursday, April 12, foreign Room, National Library 7:00 pm Presentation of the book "The boy who touched the moon", by Carlos Wynter Melo and "Collection Embera Wounaan Story, "Yolanda Rios de Moreno. Event organized by AES Panama.

Tuesday April 17, Multipurpose Room, National Library, 7:00 pm Presentation of the book Living in Panama, Sandra Snyder.

Wednesday, April 18, Gran Gala - Presentation of the novel "Unearthed" by Ramon Fonseca. Panama La Vieja, Convent of the Nuns of the Conception, 6:30 pm have valet service and security for their cars.

Wednesday, April 18-Association of Writers Bureau of Panama invited roundtable. 7:00 pm Gallery Manuel E. Amador (Universidad de Panama, next to the Faculty of Law). "The new short stories Panamanian" by Fulvia Morales Castillo, Carlos E. A. Fong and Enrique Jaramillo Levi. Free admission.


Mexican writer Monica Lavin Panama - Issue Twelve-hour workshop aimed at interested in writing stories. The workshop will be held at Rino's restaurant, Thursday 26 and Friday April 27 . B/.120.00 Cost includes lunch and coffee breaks. Info at 560-3627.

Wednesday 25 April, Foreign National Library Board 6:30 p.m. Award of Rogelio Sinan American Literature 2006-2007. Event organized by the University of Technology.

WORKSHOPS - CULTURAL HOUSE TRACKS - Workshop on creation and appreciation of literary "sense of poetry." The workshop will focus on the importance of writing, reading and teaching poetry in our time. Saturdays 14, 21 and 28 April May 5, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Taught by Carlos Fong. Info at 265-8703.
Casa Cultural Huellas - Workshop on "Guidelines for Writing a novel" Tuesdays 3, 10, 17, and 24 April and 8, 15, 22 and 29 May. From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Cost: 80.00 (8 days). Delivered by Carlos Fong. Info at 265-8703.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Build Plans For Power Shower Dunk Tank

Laura Gemser Strem Vid


initial committee of the strategy to upgrade the coca leaf

announces the following activities:


In support of the Coca Fair to be held on 14 and 15 April in the city of Sucre, held in Cochabamba:

- A Pijcheo Public dialogue - unity in diversity, with organic coca in the Chapare, Yungas of Totora-Vandiola and Yungas of La Paz, a symposium, exhibition and sale of coca products, by FRIDAY APRIL 13 10:00 - 12:30 am on the square September 14. Forward to your participation!

- Video-Discussion with Matt, and other products cocapi with cocaine on two occasions: on Wednesday, April 11 at 19:00 pm in the Auditorium of Sociology (Nathaniel Aguirre Street between Jordan and Sucre) and THURSDAY, APRIL 12 at 19:00 pm in the coffee Republik ( Ecuador Street between May 25 and Spain)

* Mala Hierba - The Secret History of the coca
Jorge Hurtado Gumucio (Bolivia) - 5 minutes
* Zero or Coca Andean Apocalypse Ravazola Alejandro (Argentina) - 50 minutes

- Aldo Orellana Lopez

Cel: (591)
71460722 Fax: (591-4) 4511525

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

34 Weeks When Is A Fetal Heart Rate To Low

In the Name of the Rose: Conversation Rose Marie Tapia

All about the author Rose Marie Tapia


Live interview

TONIGHT 7:00 pm

Radio10 (88.1 FM )