Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sports Teams Rookie Party Ideas

between life and fiction: Dr. Mauro Zúñiga on the sheet. Postpartum

E stima L reflectors:

2:24 pm It's still not "climb" this page and anxiety is killing me. Interview my guest tonight will not be easy. Medical, political hero to many, man of letters, and a prominent figure in our society, when he said "Yes, I'll be there for the" felt a fool temblorcillo in the stomach. I said "Hey ... Thank you very much, Doctor, "and hung up. Now I do not know what to do.

Mauro Zúñiga, MD, Specialist in Internal Medicine Prize winner Ricardo Miró, KITCHEN Coordinator (Coordinadora National Civil). Yeah, the same kitchen that was ignited in the stove wick live anti-Noriega, back when I was 14 and my parents the shot (in this country we have the verb up to the aggression - pellets: said of the action shoot shot) without any disgust in a hallway. Witness those difficult years, was also a victim of the crimes of dictatorships. And lived to tell.

His latest novel, The Jackal
General has caused a stir in literary circles in the country. This is the reason for your visit, I said, the novel. But unfair and foolish, by the way, let your visit if you delve into issues that he, better than anyone, knows and is not afraid to discuss. I have no preparation, I fear, to interview and deserves to Dr. Zuniga. What gracious in accepting the invitation, I know a lot of it (courtesy) is in everything he does.

With jamb, fright and shock, this is sheet.
88.1 FM
About the author
Biographical and work
* *********
Dr. Zuniga is an active member of the program
Readers Seeding
Find out your most recent activities
Literary Events
TODAY'S PRIZE Competition José María Sánchez Short Story Award 2007 and the 2007 Literary Promise of Diploma in Creative Writing and the graduation of 14 graduates Diploma 2007 (UTP). Tuesday, May 22, 6:00 pm, Graduate Building (third floor, room 306) of the campus "Víctor Levi Sasso of UTP
presented today " Journey to the remoteness " Lassa Gorka poet, 7:00 pm, Casa Góngora in San Felipe 4th Street.

short stories by local authors


Caribbean feel short works

12, 19 and 23 June and every Tuesday from July - Workshop Guidelines for writing a novel. Conducted by Carlos Fong. Casa Cultural Huellas / 265-8703

Poetry Contest Award Gustavo Batista Cedeño, MAY 31 AT 7 PM Teatro Anita Villalaz

Contest: ENTRIES CLOSE JULY 4 (adults) and 5 July (CHILDREN)

Ricardo Miró Competition 2007 - BASES AVAILABLE AT THE DEPT. LETTER FROM INAC. More info at 501-4952. Entries close 29 June.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Free Off Roader Plans

: Special report

E stima L reflectors:

Against all odds, I managed the three main objectives my mission pilot, transmitting the program from the Book Fair. I'm still not sure about the point b). remember shouting "Me vale a banana" when the presidential entourage came to shove me and a lady said smelling fainalnét "The president!" As if he had seen Elvis. As the cops did not come looking for me, I assume you did not listen.

I arrived an hour before starting the program. In rounds of rigor I found Luigi Lescure and Lassa Gorka, who premiered earlier work (9 Signs ). I saw also Javier Romero, the young poet and always polite. Kisses and were handed out to participate in the program. Road to Rose Marie Tapia selling "No deal!" (His new novel) and raspao 'on parade. Athanasiadis A Quirós Lupita cute as always, I said - Lili, I go inside little in the program R. ..-. I replied - More power to you, Katie! - And ran to the corner of INAC. Books from 0.25! I filled a grocery bag with books by Panamanians. I asked myself ... Is it that are gathering dust in the offices BOXES)? No matter. Cooperated well with the arts.

displays visited bookstores. I impressed with his displays, much less their prices.

I saw many children. I then remembered that the public and private schools are bi-week. Find more children in a rally of neo-Marxist society ... Well, I say, it was the opening night. Niet! From my office I see the empty parking Atlapa. The students are conspicuous by their absence. MEDUCA buses, too. Will ATLAPA was not available at a later date? No matter. Never mind the boys, do not go to a show that only serves to ... Why? "Promoting reading? No matter how many children can not go right?

started the program. The phone worked well, thank God. I interviewed the authors of 9 signs, then Pat Alvarado, Eduardo Lince , bought books galore, I laughed when I found a display numbers of young people dressed up as Indians and other conquerors and I could only laugh and cry from a meat-stick in-between calls I crammed into the cab of Radio 10, was Blessed!, "to'o pa 'what? Jairo writer commented Llauradó better than anyone this scene (see comments) in sheet.

Anyway. I was impressed with the book fair. The concept of cultural event is absent. If it were, our department of culture, INAC, have a seat (it deserves) preferential means to an attractive display, dynamic and educational. By "have" a great "Do not you Do not worry, I am." Would more to do and much more to buy. The authors would be where they sell their books, meeting readers, talking to the media. Teaching literature. Be planned around school schedules. Would have interesting exhibits, educational, interactive, museum-type. Example: history of printing, the printing process, the oldest books in history, etc., Etc., Etc.

Those who know me know what I tend to be informal, for things that warrant it. I do not mind telling it as I see it. I spent a wonderful time. How was the Book Fair, Lili Mendoza? As I sip my absent amused and Kis (t) of grapes answer -No big deal .-

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Stop Getting Boners

Hysteria: Book Fair 2007

E stima L reflectors:

If all goes well and do not jump the obstacles, which the tiger in jungle leaf your program. be transmitted from the Book Fair. During the broadcast, I hope not

a) Electrocution

b) Enrage political figures

c) Lose your cell phone.

This is experimental, you know. In the absence of a mobile unit, we appeal to the generosity of other radio stations, all managed by the Book Chamber , but none wanted to lend a "little bit" signal to the program. Thank God, support the arts and culture of our country ...

The Book Chamber, very gently, I contacted Skycom and them faster than running away from tear gas university, donated air time necessary to make the program (hold) from my cell phone.

course Radio 10 moved heaven and earth to help. I like Radio 10 and its people. I love it when I say: "we're gonna 'see what happens, Lili, but give ." That " give " has opened many doors.

Cross your fingers. This is sheet.


Tunes 88.1 FM, 7:00 PM



Saturday, May 5, 2007

Red Dots Roof Of Mouth Gonorrhea

"The defense of the coca does not violate United Nations conventions"

"La defensa de la coca in violation Convenciones of United Nations' agenda in Su adjusted impidió that special rapporteur el del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), Jean Ziegler, the receipt Press to discuss in this interview.

"Pleased" with his visit to La Paz, the diplomat said that Bolivia is the first country in which the Government receives it with "as much transparency and open the doors of all its ministries." He further stressed the kindness with which the Bolivians treated during their stay. While

breakfast, Ziegler said that the cultivation of coca is part of the Bolivian national policy and that "the spread and legitimization of the blade does not violate international conventions, and less an impediment to Bolivia to serve on the Board of UN Human Rights.

Statements contradict the position of representative of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) warned that the plant is part of a list of psychotropic substances prohibited by the international community.

A committee of the INCB called on members of the Constituent Assembly to take into account that Bolivia signed three international conventions (1961.1971 and 1988), in stating that cocaine appears to be an illicit substance worldwide.

Speaking to this medium, Ziegler said that the sacred leaf is a medicinal product rather than a drug.

"The government of President Evo Morales considers the coca can have medicinal uses. Did you What is your opinion?

"I'd rather not talk about this issue because it is of Bolivian sovereignty. However, I think it's normal right of a sovereign state to promote the cultivation of a plant. Another thing would be if the State will assist with drug traffickers, and that's not the case here.

"However, the UN has a committee that deals with the issue ...

"Obviously, there are also three international conventions that talk about drug trafficking and the fight against organized crime. But disseminate, advance and legitimize the use of coca is not a violation of the conventions, because this plant, according to World Health Organization (WHO), has therapeutic qualities. In addition, the blade is legitimate because it is a social custom, long ago used here.

- Does the decision of the Government of Evo Morales to defend Bolivia's coca hurt his candidacy for the Human Rights Council of the UN?

"This issue does not affect the entry into the Human Rights Council because it does not violate any international conventions of the United Nations.

- What features stand out in Bolivia to allow its admission as a member of this Council?

"Here we are living a democratic revolution that is very important for the realization of social, economic and cultural rights of all Bolivians. In Bolivia, important programs such as Zero Malnutrition. The current government seriously attacked the problem of child malnutrition. We have records that indicate that 32 percent of the population is undernourished. The Executive gives priority to the fight against malnutrition, which is an example for other countries, not only Latin America but in Africa and Asia.

- What are the conditions required by this international organization to be a member? "There

formal and political conditions. First is respect for human rights. The country must have a democratic system and sign conventions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and a multitude of agreements like the one against discrimination against women and torture. The state nominee must sign all these conventions.

- What are the requirements in the international political arena?

-alliances between states. The Council has 92 members voting in the General Assembly. United States is not part of the Council because it has mostly a result of torture. This country was not chosen on several occasions because it meets these standards.

- And which countries support Bolivia?

-Bolivia has the support of nonaligned countries, which is very important because it has 77 votes. This nomination is negotiated. The Latin American

support their country, but needs the votes of other groups. With the support of African and Asian nations have more points earned.

- What is the perception of the UN on Bolivia?

"The picture is very good and the evidence is concrete. The UN has a strong presence in this

country. All special organizations working with very large investments. In addition, bilateral relations are very strong. An example is Switzerland, which cooperates with $ 29 million a year. The European Union also very supportive. The international community has a strong commitment to social reform programs of Bolivia.

-over sovereignty in the country ...

"I think in one year and four months of the Morales administration is impressive progress in the field of sovereignty. The nationalization of the oil is a clear example. In addition, this measure increased financial resources to finance social programs in health, literacy and the fight against malnutrition. The first step was the nationalization and the second launch these programs. That is sovereignty. Another example are the bonds of friendship with other countries. What the Cubans here is very impressive. In 2006, Cuba has given to Bolivia 23 hospitals with all the equipment and more than five million people were treated.

"Some countries noted that under the banner of human rights the UN is involved in national policy ...

-The founding Charter of the United Nations has an article that puts principle of sovereignty of States. However, The UN has also developed international law prevails over national legislation. There is no interference because once a state enters the Charter agree to submit to international law, and should work with the prohibition of torture and to contribute in the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking and all crimes that go against Humanity. PRESS

La Paz - Bolivia, Saturday, 5 May 2007 Page of the committee

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Jabbawockeez Gloves And Mask

Labor of love: the blade. on his day off

FRIDAY MAY 3, 9:00 pm
Channel 5 program "Crossing of ideas", an interview with
Enrique Jaramillo Levi.
E vivo. Please spread the word.
not miss it!

On the release of "Tales enigmatic" by Enrique Jaramillo Levi
by Julio Antonio Montes

The presentation room Exedra books, on Monday April 9, is was filling slowly. So we witnessed the launch of "Tales enigmatic" by Enrique Jaramillo Levi, writer, poet and steady worker and promoter of the letters in Panama. Among those present were writers, editors, fish and mermaids of our ocean of literature. Each of the presenters of the night he was playing his turn: José Luis Rodríguez Pittí, joked about the years since Jaramillo Levi published "The owl stopped beating." Absent was the teacher and writer Yolanda Hackshaw, who sent as a pinch hitter to Professor Rodolfo de Gracia to present their views on the new book of short stories. Then corresponded to the author, Enrique Jaramillo Levi, talk about the satisfaction he feels to write and publish stories and urged the assessment of the anthologies of short stories. The act was clearly in Panama, that is, it started late, but it was still a spontaneous evening, light and pleasant as the taste of good wine.

Julio Antonio
is a student of Social Communication. Predilection for cultural journalism. This is his first article for sheet.


virtual Album: The Attic in sheet.


News and Events

The National Institute of Culture of Panama, through its Department of Arts, National Arts Department, reports that the winner of the Poetry Competition 2007 Gustavo Batista Cedeño Javier Alvarado was his "Spring of My Town to the Garden of the World" covered under the pseudonym Pedro Celestino.

May 4, José Luis Rodríguez Pittí invites all literature lovers to visit this online literary project, dedicated to the art of minitextos. Each week, five short pieces published in various genres and authors, as precisely constructed literary, the most beautiful poetic language and a result is always impressive.

May 7, 7:00 pm Exedra Books, Literary Café Writers Association of Panama. About suituaciónd and publishers in Panama.

More news http://escritores-panama.blogspot.com/