Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Corrugated Iron Fence Panels

is a community pride iteista have a cohort of teachers and administrators who demonstrate every day in their degree of identity and relevance to the Institute. As we can see, undoubtedly, with the research and progress of construction of a school blog, in which each reveals, in addition to its effort and commitment, their interests in their academic role, strengthening its professional performance.
Please accept my congratulations
TEACHERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ITEISTA SEED: SEED: site A, JT. Raul Gonzalez, Carlos Rosales, Flor Marina Urrego, William Castillo, Julian Prieto.sede A, JM. Eduardo Suarez, Genaro Sierra, Juan Carlos Ramirez and Victor Bernal.sede B, JT. Martha Castaño.sede B JM. . Nancy Lopez, Nelly María Martín, Nidia Ladino, María Isabel Parra and Marlen Ruiz.sede C JM. Nelcy Laverde and Aurora C and D Ortizsede JM. Elsa GarzónCOLABORADORES: Managers of the institution, Leonor Escobar, Israel Vaca, Martha Leyva, Nubia Rodriguez, Yolanda Caro, Cristina Galán, Gloria Gonzalez, Consuelo Lopez, Evi Perea, Magdalena Malaver, Stella Olga Rodriguez, Elena Mancera, Rosalba Capote, Idalia Peña, Yenny Arévalo, Elena Cortés, Vicky Fajardo . Mother Isabel Cifuentes, site B JM and parents in general. Students from all campuses.
is important to make the community aware that eight (8) school occupies the first position in developing this technology. next November 25 will receive the award in recognition of his work, a hosting power to finally have our own site and maintain a community with more information because this year was not possible for the Department of Education awarded us the password for a new administrator of the portal.
also receive other equipment that will help to strengthen this project. Partners
iteistas'm sure this will be one of the best projects that have been developed in recent years and every day the participants will be more up to capture all levels of the educational community.


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