Loving and being loved adds richness to our lives. When people feel close to others they are happier and even healthier. Love helps us feel important, understood and safe.
Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world passionate feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where it is not possible to express these feelings, they're still there. Develop feelings Romantics and be attracted to other people is part of the natural process of growth. These new feelings can be exciting, or even confusing at first.
Loving relationships teach us to respect ourselves and respect others. Love is one of the most rewarding things we can experience in life.
said, and by uniting the information and freedom that is supposed to have today our sons and daughters, raises a question that bothers me: Why do many of our girls are attracted, and even in many cases, kids have a relationship with a violent profile, controller, etc ...?, despite which they see them as their greatest aspiration.
Today's society is honoring dates for everything imaginable, Children's Day, Day of the elderly, the disabled, and the one at hand, Women's Day, which began as the Working Women ... as if a woman who has not been. This is fine, if we used to turn the look to a collective society, but we make a reflection:
These girls between 13 and 18 who are in many cases, our daughters, daughters of mothers who now are between 40 and 50 years, young women in many cases have had to build its share of independence from male partners, but not equal, women who "made Saturday" at home with their mothers while their brothers were not bed, women whose fathers have rarely bathed or had prepared dinner.
Our daughters, however, and thanks largely to the struggles of their grandmothers, their mothers and also of many men who share their lives with us as equals, have ahead of nearest equality, an equality that however does not reach them in many cases thought.
- `` I have a friend who is dating a guy who tells you that fattening to not look at any child.''
- `` My friend lets her boyfriend put a miniskirt.''
- `` If go out with my friends my boyfriend gets mad.''
These and many other teenage girls said comments by me create doubt, do not know if the message is being broadcast right, I do not know if the information is sufficient, I do not know if Days ... and institutional events served to them, for our "girls''are no longer so.
Being a Woman and feel you can be as feminine as you want while being free, competitive, participatory, while equal in rights and obligations as any male citizen, is wonderful, and we those of my generation and women as our mothers were in the service of everyone, we know and cherish. But they, our children, perhaps not, and in many cases No. And something in Families, Schools and, most fundamentally, since the media are doing wrong. Be discussed, looking back at them, which can lead to fix things or go back a thousand steps backward.
THE GARDEN (Fragment)
I built a garden and who makes the gestures correct
the wrong place, no error, but elsewhere,
like talking to the mirror's reflection and not to
who looks into it. Diana
I go with V for Victory: Women in plural.
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