Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Do I Remove Shoe Polish From My Window?

Rice with skirt

Spring is here but it seems. A while bleak, windy and rainy and the ideal dish for a day like today was this delicious rice soup. As always a very easy recipe to make and very cheap cost which is also good for our battered economy.

Who says you can not eat for one low price luxury?

Ingredients 2 or 3 people:

lamb skirt

2 garlic salt paprika

coloring 3 tablespoons homemade tomato sauce 1 liter of hydatid
chicken broth tetabrik brand white chicken (can use any brand or homemade stock)
round grain rice 120 g frozen ferraura
landowner to taste, about a handful (garrofon broad and green beans)
oil extra extra virgin olive


In a nonstick pot put in a little olive oil and when hot stir-fry over high heat skirt lamb that we will cut into small pieces and season with salt. When you are taking a light golden color add the finely chopped garlic, sauté over medium heat set 1 minute. Add ferraura unthawed and saute 2 minutes.
Add 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce and a little paprika. Stir well and add the chicken broth. Add food coloring and boil.
At the time it begins to boil add the rice and cook over medium-low heat covered with a glass lid with steam output until the rice is cooked (depending on the rice between 15 and 20 minutes and we already have

risotto tremendous


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