Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dune Buggy For Sale Craigslist


much played the Mayor and Aldermen released is the question that keeps me around in my head in recent days. I enter this to be a candidate for mayor, as they say, and this may be the reason why I feel so restless with all the things that are coming through from the local people and all I'm looking at me around. But there is something that, fortunately, remains unchanged and will always in my mind and never put on sale ... I will never put my personal interests, let alone if I have to be Mayor, above the service I provide to others. I separate these two fields because of that I'm educated and that my attitude towards life.
Lately, I spend all day listening to the problems people have and my people are telling me. Problems of unemployment, lack of savings for their families' basic needs, lack of support from those who govern the people, the money owed to small businesses, the apathy of youth, dirt the streets of impassable roads, lack of equality in hiring, the sorrows of some associations, the lack of information despite the time requested, the lack of kindness, long waits for response, a mayor so little near the times you lose good form, that just is seen by the people ... This strikes me what they are doing the City Hall this week, we could call without doubt, the week of the inauguration of the municipal elections. The placement of a stone for a private nursery school, another stone for social housing that had to make in 2007 and that they cost, I doubt that anyone who is in extreme social situation can afford, much less in ten years , as has been established, the inauguration of the Social Center of the Slaughter, who have made plays, but he was already working ... And as icing on the cake ... Cultural Center, which opens more than one year after deadlines, without knowing how much money it cost and how much should be (Did happen as the pool that we have begun to pay this January and we are five years to 12,000 euros a month, it already represents more each month, other 12,000 euros?), an opening at a rapid pace to meet deadlines and making electoral workers overtime for piecework throw, even calling people who have no contract at this time. Even the Civic Center Social Services have been deserted during the week because everyone was in the theater.
I guess no one is oblivious to think that all this is outrageous nonsense, one thing is that there is a period campaign and another thing is this deployment just in recent days by law before the end of the period fit openings and no one doubt the true intentions of this government and no one doubts that fit each opening has a high price and added we will pay triguereñas triguereños and more cuts. And no doubt it will fit you all a propaganda game Alcalde paid with municipal funds with the sole intention of winning new elections at any cost, without shame any and all back to the real problems of his people. So you want to keep the armchair, Sueldazo releases and so convince the public that the guilt of not doing things right is not theirs but the crisis in which we live.
And I keep mulling over the head for all the effort that this being spent on the theme of the Cultural Center and not wonder whether the letter they have always had up his sleeve as a flagship project to lure the people in the last time. And I'm turning in my head and wonder what that strategy is that right now in April and May have a play every week, if that will be the annual operating dynamics or will only be until there are elections. I wonder why this sudden love theater of our government, when I, yes I am very fond of the theater and shows and I'm going to so many throughout the year by the province, I have never agreed on any with the Mayor or Councillors. And of course I wonder if the entries will pay all and there will be the same dynamic of the County Council to give away tickets to all your buddies while the rest of us still scratching their pockets.
And I wonder why now so well get put in front of the cameras take so long to back to the people, why rule with the sole purpose of getting votes even cover up reality, thinking and doing only to win votes. I want to win the elections but not by me but by Trigg and Trigg, along with a list of honest and transparent that for any reason you want to boast or to enrich the policy, much less with the City.
Because we are not equal and all politicians are not equal. From Izquierda Unida tell the mayor that even if it takes a fool to his electorate, we are very far from it and very tired of the same faces, the same inertia, the same lack of initiatives and the multitude of his ill-fated actions towards the people. There are already eight years, too, it's time for change.
us if we are to fight in a sincere way to lift the people and from love to the customs and traditions of Trigueros. Let's be enemies of social injustices and manipulations to the public. And we to show very soon, just ask for your trust. You're not gonna be sorry. A hug

Zumba Before And After Results


Mayor has now become a lover of culture, "old age, smallpox, has put his mask of intellectual and has taken to the streets of the town to say how happy, very happy, very happy that it is because the theater works are completed, two months before the election, what a coincidence. The mayor is so intellectual these days that even dares to mention in their letters Unamuno pamphleteers, how awful!, With the number of years this man with his back to everything that smelled of culture, how many exhibitions, concerts or plays has seen his shadow in all his years commanding? How many obstacles has consistently cultural initiatives happening in Trigueros? What cultural programming in its legislature has provided for our people? ... And now is a lover of culture because it has to be at the theater closed doors without warrants, in a hurry and 15 months after the deadline that had to finalize it. "Culture ... know what this mayor what is culture? We are going to help and we will give another quotation from Unamuno, who apparently is so fond of mayor: "The less we read does more harm that reads" For this mayor, if you want to be a lover of culture let's electoral opportunism and begin reading, something that does not damage sencillito, say children's literature, theater guñol of blackjack and wolves, and some hand painting, pre-school type, bit by bit, and perhaps , a year of these understand that the pleasure of culture is to get a picture when it opens a theater. Where there is, can not be removed, it is clear.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Do I Remove Shoe Polish From My Window?

Rice with skirt

Spring is here but it seems. A while bleak, windy and rainy and the ideal dish for a day like today was this delicious rice soup. As always a very easy recipe to make and very cheap cost which is also good for our battered economy.

Who says you can not eat for one low price luxury?

Ingredients 2 or 3 people:

lamb skirt

2 garlic salt paprika

coloring 3 tablespoons homemade tomato sauce 1 liter of hydatid
chicken broth tetabrik brand white chicken (can use any brand or homemade stock)
round grain rice 120 g frozen ferraura
landowner to taste, about a handful (garrofon broad and green beans)
oil extra extra virgin olive


In a nonstick pot put in a little olive oil and when hot stir-fry over high heat skirt lamb that we will cut into small pieces and season with salt. When you are taking a light golden color add the finely chopped garlic, sauté over medium heat set 1 minute. Add ferraura unthawed and saute 2 minutes.
Add 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce and a little paprika. Stir well and add the chicken broth. Add food coloring and boil.
At the time it begins to boil add the rice and cook over medium-low heat covered with a glass lid with steam output until the rice is cooked (depending on the rice between 15 and 20 minutes and we already have

risotto tremendous

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Groping In The Train Bus


In Lepe
A mayoral candidate signature notarized and your program promises to resign if it fails
EP - 14/03/2011

The United Left candidate for mayor of Lepe (Huelva), Javier Valdez, have notarized the main point of his electoral program, with a commitment in writing to resign the office of mayor if he fails to comply within two years following elections.

notarized Valderas has committed to building the access road to the hospital on the coast, which builds the Andalusian, although Board and City Council, ruled by the PP, not to agree when deciding who has to make the access road.

this situation and with your signature notarized, Javier Valdez explained that "this act we wanted to break the demagoguery that both PP and PSOE are taking place, in another clear example that both prefer to seek election to any revenue price above the welfare of citizens. "

"Because of the bad experiences suffered by our city and in this respect, we wanted to distance himself from the incomprehensible attitude of both parties, "said the candidate, who has stated that" signing this uncompromising commitment to all residents of Lepe "if elected and is not made the road in two years, will resign from office mayor.

"We wanted to demonstrate that the proposed city of Izquierda Unida no toast to the sun and we understand that to open this hospital is an imperative for our citizens and the rest of the coast," over.

Currently, the United Left is not represented in the municipality of Lepe, which governs the PP with thirteen councilors, while the opposition Socialist Party found and PA seven and a councilor respectively.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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skirt rice with mixed salad with chopped

I know it is a winter dish, but as in my house eating salad all year here I put a good and varied completita


boat little ear of corn of corn-stuffed olives anchovies

romaine lettuce, diced tomato beet

pot 2 cans of tuna variants
pot hash ('supermarket DIA)

virgin olive oil salt Preparation


Cut the lettuce and tomatoes into medium pieces. Extended well put lettuce in a bowl, place it over the tomatoes, beets, flaked tuna and spread throughout the chopped salad variations. add the olives and place salad all around the ears in a decorative manner.
seasoned with oil and salt.

How To Make Nose Capillaries Disappear

variants and cheese sandwich

This is one of my favorite snacks and whenever I have burgos cheese at home is almost certain to fall.


Ham (in this case which comes like a giant sausage in the area of \u200b\u200bpackaged meats in mercadona)
1 tomato, pear
1 / 2 onion
burgos cheese olive oil salt


Open the bread in half and place in one half the tomato slices over the tomato and place the onion into thin slices. We put up all the ham.

ham placed on top of cheese towns and lightly salted and add a touch of olive oil over the cheese. and now we can only cover the other half of bread and we have the sandwich ready to incarle the tooth.

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GO WITH "V" !!!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sample Of Welcome Speech For Debut


Monday, March 7, 2011

Dog Worx Veronica Moser

ABOUT THE MARCH 8, advancing " HAND BRAKE "position


} I want to be positive from the outset and those who defend echo the XXI century will be imbued with the imprint of women, that we are entering a time when insertion of women is increasing and that the values \u200b\u200bof both sexes will find a balance and harmony that will benefit all mankind. However, the changes that are in our hands very dependent processes to be immediate or have to follow many decades to suffer the current advance "with the hand brake job." This is where I want to go and stop, in this preview quotes is like air, it seems to be everywhere, can feel in the drafting of laws, language, in speeches, on the day of Equality as before us, but really in everyday life is short. It is not clear on the division of household tasks, responsibilities of the sons and daughters, in salaries, the number of battered women or the occupation of positions.

To give real impetus to the elimination of male dominant roles must begin to rethink our lives, unlearn certain beliefs and change habits inconsistent. We should abandon prejudices, superstitions and deceptions of the past to build the values \u200b\u200bof equality in this for the future. And in this sense, a City to consider one of the main bodies to lead the fight for an equitable society.

know if our City Council has an Equality Plan but if he should have be more realistic and firm proposals for change and struggle. Equality Plan should be based on a preliminary analysis of our reality closer, you must collect proposals from all sectors, must be transverse, globalized and above all must be known and shared. We need a thoughtful document, realistic, lively, participatory, should be disclosed and evaluated. If equality is realized only in the celebration of special days and the specific activities, we are staying in the air, on the mere provision against the true awareness and action for social change.

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Loving and being loved adds richness to our lives. When people feel close to others they are happier and even healthier. Love helps us feel important, understood and safe.

Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world passionate feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where it is not possible to express these feelings, they're still there. Develop feelings Romantics and be attracted to other people is part of the natural process of growth. These new feelings can be exciting, or even confusing at first.

Loving relationships teach us to respect ourselves and respect others. Love is one of the most rewarding things we can experience in life.

said, and by uniting the information and freedom that is supposed to have today our sons and daughters, raises a question that bothers me: Why do many of our girls are attracted, and even in many cases, kids have a relationship with a violent profile, controller, etc ...?, despite which they see them as their greatest aspiration.

Today's society is honoring dates for everything imaginable, Children's Day, Day of the elderly, the disabled, and the one at hand, Women's Day, which began as the Working Women ... as if a woman who has not been. This is fine, if we used to turn the look to a collective society, but we make a reflection:

These girls between 13 and 18 who are in many cases, our daughters, daughters of mothers who now are between 40 and 50 years, young women in many cases have had to build its share of independence from male partners, but not equal, women who "made Saturday" at home with their mothers while their brothers were not bed, women whose fathers have rarely bathed or had prepared dinner.

Our daughters, however, and thanks largely to the struggles of their grandmothers, their mothers and also of many men who share their lives with us as equals, have ahead of nearest equality, an equality that however does not reach them in many cases thought.

- `` I have a friend who is dating a guy who tells you that fattening to not look at any child.''

- `` My friend lets her boyfriend put a miniskirt.''

- `` If go out with my friends my boyfriend gets mad.''

These and many other teenage girls said comments by me create doubt, do not know if the message is being broadcast right, I do not know if the information is sufficient, I do not know if Days ... and institutional events served to them, for our "girls''are no longer so.

Being a Woman and feel you can be as feminine as you want while being free, competitive, participatory, while equal in rights and obligations as any male citizen, is wonderful, and we those of my generation and women as our mothers were in the service of everyone, we know and cherish. But they, our children, perhaps not, and in many cases No. And something in Families, Schools and, most fundamentally, since the media are doing wrong. Be discussed, looking back at them, which can lead to fix things or go back a thousand steps backward.

THE GARDEN (Fragment)

I built a garden and who makes the gestures correct
the wrong place, no error, but elsewhere,
like talking to the mirror's reflection and not to
who looks into it. Diana


I go with V for Victory: Women in plural.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Humorous Marriage Invitation Wording

york breasts to ratatouille with Sepia

a tasty dish well combined and well facilitated to make. This I usually do from time to time because I have always usually some portion of ratatouille in the freezer as I always do in order to use large amounts ratatouille on other occasions and not have to cook .


chicken breast fillets


Boil the egg before removing it before it is fully cooked to get a half-cooked yolk crystallized.
salted chicken breasts and make them grilled.
and heat the track that we will previously thawed in the microwave.
Peel the eggs and cut in half.
and just left.

How To Have Weave With A Bang



Our apologies to Victoria Caro


me begin by thanking all who attended the presentation of my candidacy on Tuesday, March 1. Also to the many people who are showing their support for me every day. Place on the center of attention of the people required to implement various attitudes, many temperance and very strongly. It is necessary more than ever show as I am at all times and combine it with what people need and expect from me. I am collecting as many views and comments and I cash them to mature slowly becomes a positive for my people and for me no harm without offending sensibilities and my ideas or the political party I represent is Izquierda Unida. This is an extraordinary experience I will take with the sole objective of uniting the people to raise it to its full potential. And I do not mean me or my group to go right every time without errors. Moreover, I think that practice makes perfect and can serve to resolve conflicts, if we are humble, acted in time to make amends and ask and take the appropriate apologies in due course.

And on behalf of the United Left I publicly apologize to Multivision and therefore its leaders have listened to the misinformation that came to this political community that this video was recorded and broadcast the presentation of the candidature PSOE and ours, UI, no, a fact that has caused discomfort and adverse comments from our members and supporters. After speaking with Francisco Valentin and know that they really are referred to in clauses that do not transmit their events of any political party, therefore not broadcast the PSOE, again, we regret the damage that we have caused him and his company in ways of good relationships and we make a promise that will not happen in the future. A Multivision, our sincere apologies.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Who Are Heather Harmon's Friends


Local Assembly Trigueros UI want to thank everyone, the last first day of March, gathered and packed the Civic Center in our town to clothe and accompany our candidate for mayor, Councilman Caro Victoria and all members of the electoral list for the next municipal elections. Likewise our heartfelt thanks go to all the contributors who made possible the development of the event, without whom success would not have been possible. Thanks also to partner Diego Valdez for his presence among us. Each day more and triguereñas triguereños trusting in the person of Victoria and the government project UI, which was evident the night of the presentation, and we will not disappoint.

Thanks Trigg.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Advertising Slogans For The Element Iron

spicy crystallized egg omelette

Sepia spicy


1 kilo of cuttlefish in pieces
2 onions 50 gr.
oil 2 cloves garlic, cayenne
150 gr. tomato sauce


Heat the oil in the Thermomix, varoma temperature, speed 1 for 5 minutes

Add garlic, parsley, cayenne, and chop onions for a few seconds at speed 3 and a half. add the cuttlefish cut into pieces and set 20 minutes varoma, speed 1, after 10 minutes add the tomato sauce and salt, let it do, if we see that we are still the sepia schedule them for 5 minutes

is a recipe copied from post (do not remember who I'll post it) for easy solutions, and daily journal, though I've done a little tune by adding more cayenne and removing 2 anchovies that had the recipe, since I do not like anchovies in the dishes, only the stand as tapas and single or at most accompanied by grated tomato with olive oil.
sepia is a slightly spicy, this bueníiiiiiisima, scrumptious and makes it easier. I assure you that is a recipe you will return to repeat.
As you can see I am still posting recipes but Thermomix long since I have not. Of course it's an easy recipe to make the traditional way and that no complications.